This Week in Panels: Week 40
June 27th, 2010 by Gavok | Tags: authority, avengers, booster gold, bruce wayne, frankencastle, green hornet, heralds, hulk, incorruptible, joe the barbarian, juggernaut, killer croc, luke cage, namora, nick fury, panels, thunderbolts, ultimates, wwe heroes40 isn’t a very special number, but we got a lot on the plate this time around anyway, so let’s pretend it matters. Oh, and we also get three doses of Grant Morrison. Well… only two of them count, but whatever.

Amazing Spider-Man #635
Joe Kelly and Michael Lark among others
American Vampire #4
Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque and Stephen King
Authority: The Lost Year #9
Grant Morrison, Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis and David Williams
Avengers #2
Brian Michael Bendis and John Romita Jr.
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #3
Grant Morrison and Yanick Paquette
Franken-Castle #18
Rick Remender and Jefte Palo
Green Hornet #5
Kevin Smith, Phil Hester and Jonathan Lau
Green Lantern Corps #49
Tony Bedard and Ardian Syaf
Heralds #4
Kathryn Immonen, Tonci Zonjic, Emma Rios and James Harren
Hulk #23
Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale among others
Incorruptible #7
Mark Waid and Horacio Domingues
Joe the Barbarian #6
Grant Morrison and Sean Murphy
Joker’s Asylum II: Killer Croc
Mike Raicht, David Yardin and Cliff Richards
Justice League: Generation Lost #4
Judd Winick, Keith Giffen and Aaron Lopresti
Jeff Parker and Sara Pichelli
Secret Warriors #17
Jonathan Hickman and Alessandro Vitti
Thunderbolts #145
Jeff Parker and Kev Walker
Ultimate Avengers 2 #4
Mark Millar and Leinil Francis Yu
WWE Heroes #4
Keith Champagne and Andy Smith
Yeah, uh… don’t ask on that last one. The whole series is screwy as all hell and I think I’m going to wait on the first arc to finish up before reviewing it all.
I also think the ending gag in Authority: The Lost Year is a big hint on who the real villain of Justice League: Generation Lost is, but I’ll talk more about that tomorrow.
I hate Protector in a way I didn’t even think I was capable of.
Love the Hulk panel. I’m not even reading the series and I can understand just how perfect it is.
Are you implying that JL: GL is going to undo the ludicrous Max Lord heel turn? ‘Cause that would be fucking awesome. Also that Avengers panel actually causes me physical pain to read…
Who the heck is that guy in the WWE Heroes comic supposed to be? I don’t recognize the tats.
@MarkPoa: It’s Jericho with sacrificial markings. Yeah.
@david brothers: Oh god, Protector is such a terrible idea. The boring name, the bland costume, the Nega-bands made out of plastic pipes…
Thing is, the whole idea of Noh-Var getting his hands on the Nega Bands and made defender of Earth could have been a great story if they kept his old personality. A guy who will change the world by force if he has to gets his hands on one of the most powerful weapons in the universe?
Instead, he’s been turned into boring generic alien hero guy. Such a waste. It would have been better if they just left the guy in character limbo.