This Week in Panels: Week 55
October 10th, 2010 by Gavok | Tags: avengers academy, chaos war, crossfire, deadpool, dethklok, gravity, hawkeye, hercules, jason todd, metalocalypse, outlaw, panels, taskmaster, thing, thor, uncle sam, wonder woman, x-forceBack from Comic Con. I’d tell you all about it, but I’m tired as hell. Still better off than David, who’s probably completely unconscious as I type this and will remain so for the next 36 hours. Or he might be dead of a heart attack, considering he ate 5 Guys Burgers and Fries no less than three times in two days. Unlike me, he did NOT go there because Norman Osborn told him to.
While David is out, Was Taters is in. She included a Wonder Woman panel, even though that was last week. I won’t tell her if you won’t.

Avengers Academy #5
Christos Gage and Jorge Molina
Chaos War #1
Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente, Khoi Pham and Reilly Brown
Deadpool MAX #1
David Lapham and Kyle Baker
Deadpool Pulp #2
Mike Benson, Adam Glass and Laurence Campbell
Freedom Fighters #2
Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti and Travis Moore
Hawkeye & Mockingbird #5
Jim McCann and David Lopez
I, Zombie #6
Chris Roberson and Michael Allred
Incorruptible #10
Mark Waid and Horacio Domingues
Metalocalypse: Dethklok #1
Brendon Small, Jon Schnepp, Jeremy Barlow and Lucas Marangon
Red Hood The Lost Days #5
Judd Winick and Jeremy Haun
Secret Six #26
Gail Simone and J. Calafiore
S.H.I.E.L.D. #4
Jonathan Hickman and Dustin Weaver
Taskmaster #2
Fred Van Lente and Jefte Palo
Ultimate Thor #1
Jonathan Hickman and Carlos Pacheco
Uncanny X-Force #1
Rick Remender and Jerome Opena
Wonder Woman #603
J. Michael Straczynski, Don Kramer, Eduardo Pansica and Allan Goldman
Young Allies #5
Sean McKeever and David Baldeon
Finding a good panel for S.H.I.E.L.D. is impossible because, really, what the fuck is going on in that comic?
I’ll have something of a con report for you tomorrow, followed by something a little more entertaining.
What’s Jason Schwartzman doing in the Red Hood?
I got lost during SHIELD #1 (That, and it felt too much like a trailer for the main feature). My browsing through #2 did nothing to help the matter. I haven’t gotten an issue of it since.
Personally, I think that the problem with that comic is that it’s too “big picture” and too ambitious for it’s own good.
The Flight of the Conchords reference in taskmaster gave me a good chuckle.