This Week in Panels: Week 2
October 4th, 2009 by Gavok | Tags: amazing spider-man, clone saga, dark reign, green lantern, marvel zombies, panels, punisher, runaways, secret warriors, shang chi, spider-man, the boys, thunderbolts, unknown soldier, venomBack for another week of panels that give you a vague essence of the comics we have read this week without any real context. Let the non-reviews begin!

Amazing Spider-Man #607
Joe Kelly, Mike McKone and Adriana Melo
The Boys: Herogasm #5
Garth Ennis, John McCrea and Keith Burns
Dark Reign: The Sinister Spider-Man #4
Brian Reed, Chris Bachalo and Rob DiSalvo
Green Lantern #46
Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke
Marvel Zombies Return #5
Fred Van Lente and Wellinton Alves
Punisher Annual #1
Rick Remender and Jason Pearson
Runaways #14
Kathryn Immonen and Sara Pichelli
Secret Warriors #8
Jonathan Hickman and Alessandro Vitti
Shang-Chi Master of Kung Fu
Jonathan Hickman and Kody Chamberlin (plus a bunch of other guys)
Spider-Man: The Clone Saga #1
Tom DeFalco, Howard Mackie and Todd Nauck
Thunderbolts #136
Andy Diggle, Pop Mhan and Carlos Rodriguez
Unknown Soldier #12
Joshua Dysart and Alberto Ponticelli
Wonder Woman #36
Gail Simone and Aaron Lopresti
By the way, hermanos was the one reading Herogasm. No thanks on my side!
better selection of panels this week imho
also dog in eye made me spit my juice, bastard
Sinister Spider-man was quite funny. The end panel was worth the series.
also Sinestro rah rah rah
I wasn’t sure what to make of Runaways 14: was it the writer telling the readers who’d stuck with the book to go fuck themselves, or was it Marvel? Very disappointing.
The Herogasm panel is also slightly misleading, because right after that Ennis does exactly what that character is berating. Much as he did in the previous issues. And The Boys.
Perfect choice of panel for Shang-Chi. Terrific!
Can I just say that Secret Warriors is completely awesome, and that panel (bad-ass though it may be) is merely like, Exhibit R as to why.
Also, I’m really enjoying Diggle’s’ Thunderbolts, and am sorry to see him go. (Although Jeff Parker is great, so I can’t complain too much.) Any word on the story behind his departure?
“Dog in the eye” made me laugh more than anything else in recent memory.