This Week in Panels: Week 36
May 30th, 2010 by Gavok | Tags: Batman, black panther, booster gold, bruce wayne, daken, deadpool, drax, green hornet, green lantern, howard the duck, incorruptible, luke cage, marvel zombies, nick fury, panels, power girl, spider-man, unknown soldier, wolverineWelcome back for another week. It’s been a pretty damn good week for comics, even with that Rise of Angst miniseries. A really full week, too. Reader Space Jawa sends in one for Ultimate Enemy, which I heard was a pretty big letdown. Sure, it’s going to lead into the next miniseries, but there’s apparently no closure.

Amazing Spider-Man #632
Zeb Wells, Chris Bachalo and Emma Rios
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #2
Grant Morrison and Frazer Irving
Dark Wolverine #86
Daniel Way, Marjorie Liu and Stephen Segovia
Deadpool: Merc With a Mouth #11
Victor Gischler and Bong Dazo
Doomwar #4
Jonathan Maberry and Scot Eaton
Green Hornet #4
Kevin Smith, Phil Hester and Jonathan Lau
Green Lantern #54
Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke
Green Lantern Corps #48
Tony Bedard and Ardian Syaf
Incorruptible #6
Mark Waid and Horacio Domingues
Justice League: Generation Lost #2
Judd Winick, Keith Giffen and Joe Bennett
Marvel Zombies 5 #3
Fred Van Lente, M.W. Kaluta, Kano and Felix Ruiz
Power Girl #12
Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray and Amanda Conner
Secret Avengers #1
Ed Brubaker and Mike Deodato
Secret Warriors #16
Jonathan Hickman and Gianluca Gugliotta
Thanos Imperative: Ignition
Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning and Brad Walker
Thunderbolts #144
Jeff Parker and Kev Walker
Ultimate Enemy #4
Brian Michael Bendis and Rafa Sandoval
Unknown Soldier #20
Joshua Dysart and Alberto Ponticelli
Weapon X: Noir
Dennis Calero
Wolverine Origins #48
Daniel Way and Will Conrad
That Wolverine vs. Daken arc comes to a pretty sweet ending. My personal favorite comic of the week is Incorruptible, which has gone from being simply a good concept to being a great superhero story. I hope the Plutonianverse goes on forever.
Whoa. Is that Noir Deadpool?
A few thoughts…
ASM: After the gut-punch of the last issue, this one felt like a bit of a come-down. I suppose it was inevitable. I don’t know why Spidey was surprised that the Lizard spoke, though; he’s been talking since his first appearance.
Deadpool:MWAM: Sometimes I wonder about your criteria for choosing these panels. (As I read the books, I try to guess which panel you’ll choose.) I thought you’d go with one of the ones where Iceman is whining about his broken back. Funnier.
Doomwar: Twist ending ruined by the cover. Now THAT’S the Marvel I remember from my youth!
Secret Avengers: I was slighty off here. I thought it would’ve been “You have someone who can just ‘check out’ Mars?” “Of course. What kind of outfit do you think I’m running?” I liked this book, but I’m underwhelmed by the surprise ending. It seems it can’t be true, since the character at the end has his own book.
Secret Warriors: Another great issue, but I was thrown by the art. It wasn’t bad, per se; I just really like the regular artist. Was this just a fill-in job?
Tbolts: Pure awesome. As a long-time fan, I loved the ending. (Also as a long-time fan, I hated Songbird’s redesign.)
This week I started getting the TPBs of Marvel’s cosmic books, after hearing so many good things. I got the three Annihilation books, and I wasn’t disappointed. I’ll be able to comment on the Thanos Imperative in about three years when I’m all caught up!
Oh god Booster’s face, exactly how I’d have pictured it would be in responce to something like that
Oops. Forgot to respond to stuff.
@NeoKefka: Sadly, no. Noir Mimic.
@clay: The way I see it, the conflict of that issue is Deadpool and friends vs. Zombie Iceman. The stuff with Iceman complaining about being crippled may arguably be funnier, but it also flat out tells you that Deadpool wins. It’s a denouement. Plus that gag worked because it was stretched over several panels.