New Ultimate Edit Week 1: Day One
March 7th, 2010 by Gavok | Tags: black knight, defenders, frank cho, hawkeye, hellcat, iron man, jeph loeb, luke cage, new ultimates, son of satan, ultimate edit, ultimates, valkyrieIt had to happen. Jeph Loeb returns to the Ultimates cast with his new series New Ultimates, this time accompanied by Frank Cho. Naturally, ManiacClown and I have returned to take it to task. For those who are lost, check out the previous installments of Ultimate Edit and Ultimatum Edit. Go on, I’ll wait.
Now, then. Let’s get this show on the road.

We’ll continue tomorrow as Tony and Clint make some new friends. Wow, two pages into a Loeb comic and there hasn’t been an action sequence two-page spread yet. Somebody get Guinness on the phone.
Day Two!
Day Three!
Day Four!
Day Five!
Day Six!
Day Seven!
As soon as I glanced through the issue on the shelves and saw just how bad a decision it would be for me to even consider buying it, and got confirmation of such from reviews, I couldn’t wait to see you guys bring this back. I just didn’t expect for it to start so quickly.
Heh, heh, heh…
Jeph Loeb’s name looks weird without the “Loeb”. Also: I am so excited.
It’s back!
Sweet Christmas. Boo-urns on the design what’s looks like Evil Luke Cage. (I haven’t read the original version.)
That IS Evil Luke Cage.
Welcome to New Ultimates!
Woohoo! Now this is a nice damn surprise! My week is made, let’s go!
The only good thing about Loeb writing Ultimate Marvel is Ultimate Edit Week
How could you pass up the Wraparound cover?
in any case good stuff