This Week in Panels: Week 14
December 27th, 2009 by Gavok | Tags: ares, franken-castle, garth ennis, green lantern, invincible, irredeemable, john stewart, panels, secret warriors, spider-man, what ifReady for another week. Sadly, the super awesome Ares miniseries comes to a close. I’ll miss it.

Amazing Spider-Man #616
Fred Van Lente and Javier Pulido
Arkham Reborn #3
David Hine and Jeremy Haun
Battlefields Happy Valley #1
Garth Ennis and P.J. Holden
Captain America: Who Will Wield the Shield?
Ed Brubaker, Butch Guice and Luke Ross
Criminal: The Sinners #3
Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips
Crossed #8
Garth Ennis and Jacen Burrows
Dark Avengers: Ares #3
Kieron Gillen and Manuel Garcia
Green Lantern #49
Geoff Johns, Ed Benes, Marcos Marz and Jerry Ordway
Incredible Hercules #139
Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente, Rodney Buchemi and Reilly Brown
Invincible #69
Robert Kirkman and Ryan Ottley
Irredeemable #9
Mark Waid and Peter Krausi
New Avengers #60
Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen
Punisher #12
Rick Remender and Tony Moore
Secret Warriors #11
Jonathan Hickman and Stefano Caselli
Unknown Soldier #15
Joshua Dysart and Alberto Ponticelli
What If: Astonishing X-Men
Jim McCann, David Yardin, Ibraim Roberson, Matteo Casali and Mike Getty
What If: Spider-Man: House of M
Sean McKeever, Dave Ross, Frank Tieri and Brian Haberlin
You know, Irredeemable is getting pretty rad with only a few issues left. I figured it was going to be like Mark Waid’s Empire, where they just run in place for several issues as lead up to the predictable climax. As of the latest issue, I’m not 100% on what Waid has up his sleeve.
Irredeemable is an ongoing, I believe, not a limited series… (I could be wrong, of course, but everything I’ve read said it’s an ongoing.)
Yeah, I think it’s an ongoing. I also believed it was a mini, but something I saw recently (solicit, interview?) corrected me.
whoa, Manuel Garcia brings some talent.