Ultimate Edit Week 5: Day Five
October 1st, 2008 by Gavok | Tags: captain america, giant man, hulk, hulk hogan, iron man, jeph loeb, magneto, Marvel comics, thor, ultimate avengers, ultimates, ultron, war machine, wasp, wolverineIf you didn’t miss out on yesterday’s happenings, you probably remember Valkyrie defeating her mutant captors and Yellowjacketron’s army making a fool out of Magneto. Luckily for Magneto, the cavalry has arrived in the form of the Ultimates! Hurray for two-page splash pages!

By the way, if you’re wondering just what was really said in that scene, I’d be more than happy to explain it.
“Don’t you know how close we are to being you? I’d rather not kill you, Jan. My experimentation on your DNA has only begun. Besides… you’re almost like a mother to me.”
“Then I guess that makes me… THE MOTHERFUCKER!”
Jeph Loeb, everybody. Let’s give him a hand.
On another note, people are all excited about the new Thor movie and the announcement of Kenneth Branagh as the director. Personally, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Not that he’s the director, mind you, but that they’re making a Thor movie. We already did have a Thor movie! Don’t you remember?

Thanks again to my editing associate ManiacClown. We’ll be back tomorrow and a very special installment the day after that.
Kenneth Branagh presents: Blood in the Snow: Good Santa v Evil Santa
Please, God, tell me this is going to continue for Ultimatum proper.
I might be reaching…but are you making fun of the badly censored words from “All Star Batman and Robin #10” with your lightly colored censor boxes?
If so, I laughed when I saw them. 😀
I agree, THIS must continue with Ultimatum.
Thanks for making Ultimates 3 readable!
@MLD: Wow, you’re quick on the pickup there, sparky.
Is Hulk Hogan beating up Dave Attel in that movie?
I might be reaching…but are you making fun of the badly censored words from “All Star Batman and Robin #10″ with your lightly colored censor boxes?
Yep, that was the plan.