This Week in Panels: Week 57
October 24th, 2010 by Gavok | Tags: azrael, damian wayne, doctor bong, galactus, joker, loki, moon knight, panels, power girl, power man, red hulk, steve rogers, venusTime for another week of ThWiP. This time I’m helped out by Was Taters (Power Girl) and ManiacClown (Loki). Apologies for the lack of content in the last week outside of that Avengers cartoon article. Various things have been holding back my free time. I’ve been busy with a bad work schedule and ManiacClown has been… learning how to make Mjolnir with balloons. Not making that up.
Anyway, panels.

Azrael #13
David Hine and Guillem March
Batman and Robin #15
Grant Morrison and Frazer Irving
Carnage #1
Zeb Wells and Clayton Crain
Chaos War #2
Gavin “Gavok” Jasper
Okay, fine. Here’s the real panel.
Chaos War #2
Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente and Khoi Pham
Darkwing Duck #5
Ian Brill and James Silvani
Deadpool #28
Daniel Way and Carlo Barberi
Green Lantern Corps #53
Tony Bedard and Tyler Kirkham
Hulk #26
Jeff Parker, Gabriel Hardman and Mark Robinson
Loki #1
Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Sebastian Fiumara
Power Girl #17
Judd Winick and Sami Basri
Shadowland: Power Man #3
Fred Van Lente and Mahmud Asrar
Steve Rogers: Super-Soldier #4
Ed Brubaker and Dale Eaglesham
I’m still surprised that Azrael hasn’t been canceled. I also believe that if more people did read it, internet folk would be totally railing on it for religious reasons. The latest arc has revealed that the Shroud of Turin proves that the resurrection of Christ was a lie and the latest issue reveals that Mary Magdalene had Jesus’ child and I guess Azrael is his descendant or something. Yow.
Darkwing Duck status: still the best comic book.
And the winner for “Quote of the Week” is a tie between Gavin Jasper and Negaduck.
With such similar gifts for humor, I’m surprised they’ve never teamed up. >8D
“Darkwing Duck status: still the best comic book.”
HA! That’s awesome.
All the crazy Azrael panels you post make me kind of want to read it. Is it even remotely related to Gotham shenanigans anymore, or is it all about crazy religious stuff? Because the latter sounds way more interesting.
DOCTOR BONG!!!!!!!111one
@Nat: The first several issues were all mainly one-shots by Nicieza. Only one issue was a Batman crossover, though one of Ra’s Al Ghul’s flunkies showed up a couple times. It’s mostly pretty good, though I’m sure it’s better in one read. I guess due to the done-in-one storytelling, I’d pick up the next issue without remembering much about the previous other than I enjoyed it.
It really picks up with David Hine taking over. The art gets better, the writing is better and it introduces a great villain in the Crusader. While the Nicieza run is more about Azrael testing his faith in terms of the broadstrokes (good and evil), the Hine run is more about testing his faith in terms of the deeper aspects of his religion. It makes you more curious of where the character will go next.
“And Batman is standing next to me. Of course you’re scared.”