This Week in Panels: Week 71
January 30th, 2011 by Gavok | Tags: 2000AD, avengers, captain america, chaos war, darth vader, deadpool, joker, lex luthor, luke cage, namor, panelsBack from watching the biggest, sexiest Royal Rumble, it’s now time for me to post a bunch of panels before passing out. Lots and lots of help from David, Was Taters, Space Jawa and VersasoVantare. Let’s get to it!

Action Comics #897
Paul Cornell and Pete Woods
Avengers #9
Brian Michael Bendis and John Romita Jr.
The Boys: Highland Laddie #6
Garth Ennis, John McCrea and Keith Burns
Captain America #614
Ed Brubaker, Butch Guice, Sean McKeever and Filipe Andrade
Chaos War #5
Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente and Khoi Pham
Deadpool #32
Daniel Way and Sheldon Vella
Detective Comics #873
Scott Snyder and Jock
Fantastic Four #587
Jonathan Hickman and Steve Epting
Incorruptible #14
Mark Waid and Marcio Takara
Incredible Hulks #621
Greg Pak, Paul Pelletier, Josh Williamson and Sana Takeda
Infestation #1
Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning and David Messina
Justice League: Generation Lost #18
Judd Winick and Joe Bennett
Namor: The First Mutant #6
Stuart Moore and Ariel Olivetti
New Avengers #8
Brian Michael Bendis and Daniel Acuna
New Mutants #21
Zeb Wells and Leonard Kirk
Punisher: In The Blood #3
Rick Remender and Mick Bertilorenzi
Secret Avengers #9
Ed Brubaker, Mike Deodato and Will Conrad
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command #1
Haden Blackman and Rick Leonardi
Thunderbolts #152
Jeff Parker and Kev Walker
2000AD Prog 1718 (Judge Dredd)
Al Ewing and John Higgins
2000AD Prog 1718 (Kingdom)
Dan Abnett and Richard Elson
2000AD Prog 1718 (Shakara)
Robbie Morrison and Henry Flint
Ultimate Avengers 3 #6
Mark Millar and Steve Dillon
Ultimate Doom #2
Brian Michael Bendis and Rafa Sandoval
Ultimate Spider-Man #152
Brian Michael Bendis, Sara Pichelli and David Lafuente
Uncanny X-Force #4
Rick Remender and Jerome Opena
Wonder Woman #606
J. Michael Straczynski, Phil Hester and Eduardo Pansica
Great week for comics. Thanks to the contributors. I’m too tired to talk about anything else, so here’s a live action adaptation of Axe Cop to keep your attention.
Is that Nick Fury in the pink energy bubble in the Avengers panel?
(Boy I stayed up way too late tonight.)
I’m pretty sure it’s Dr. Strange
Joker’s My Little Pony panel was the highlight of all comics for me last week.
I still don’t think Remender “gets” 616 Punisher. Or he wouldn’t be using these plots with Frank. Reviving his family? Maria messing around with Jigsaw? I am so not onboard…
@UrbanGuy: He “gets” that it’s Punisher and he’s in 616. Frank can’t control what kind of world he lives in or the plot points you’ve described. It’s how he responds that’s important to the character.
It’s hard to tell out of context: are any of these things we should actually be reading? I’m always eager to give superhero monthlies another chance and lately I haven’t been buying any but Batman Inc. and BPRD/Hellboy.
@Edison Marbury: Yeah, I can’t really tell if most of these are that good, usually one panel out of context makes them seem better than they really are.
Out of these though, I recommend Detective Comics.
@Gavok: Bottom line, I don’t like the direction he’s taken Frank in. That’s why I’ve stopped reading.
To clarify, Gavok, I mean: are there any of these that we should be reading off the rack? For instance, I’m likely going to buy anything Hickman or Wells write, barring incompetent art, but only after it’s collected unless someone says otherwise.
@Edison Marbury: You’re over-thinking it. If the panel strikes your fancy and seems interesting, check it out. If not, don’t.
@UrbanGuy: Then it’s good for you that there are two Punisher books to choose from.
@Edison Marbury: Thunderbolts. Also, what Mr. Brothers said.
I’m totally curious why Spider-Woman has her mouth covered and nobody else does. Okay, it looks like Mockingbird does too. Whatever?!