Ultimate Edit Week 3: Day Seven
February 28th, 2008 by Gavok | Tags: black panther, hawkeye, iron man, jeph loeb, ka-zar, Marvel comics, shanna, thor, ultimate edit, ultimates, valkyrie, wasp, wolverineGetting love from the Scans_Daily crew, it’s the final installment of Ultimate Edit Week 3. Yesterday we saw Iron Man show off the magic Wanda-killing bullet to Wasp, right after everyone left for the Savage Land. So, what now?
(You really should read yesterday’s last page before continuing here.)

If you have any of those songs stuck in your head now, I consider this a job well done. ManiacClown will join me again the next time an issue drops, but in the meantime, I’ll still be around writing my usual brand of blogduggery. I have a handful of articles that are just sitting there, half done. I really should do something about that.
Thanks for reading.
Ultimate Edit Week 4!
Ultimate Edit Week 5
Cripes that was some funny edits. Yes I said cripes.
Man I’m going to have Mambo #5 stuck in my head all day now asshole.
Don’t complain, Mike. At least it wasn’t “The Macarina”.