Ultimate Edit Week 2: Day Two
January 29th, 2008 by Gavok | Tags: captain america, hawkeye, jeph loeb, Marvel comics, spider-man, ultimate edit, ultimatesIn our last installment, Hawkeye just kind of showed up like a jerk and shot at Spider-Man. Spider-Man realizes that the only way to counter an excessive amount of sound effects is his own assortment of too many sound effects. Let’s watch!

Thanks to ManiacClown for sharing my burden of being constantly confused for MightyGodKing.
Day Three!
Day Four!
Day Five!
Day Six!
Day Seven!
Gavok’s Spider-Man banter is much better than Loeb’s.
STOP!! SECOND PICTURE, LAST PANEL! Does Spider-Man REALLY have an arrow pointing to his crotch? For real?