This Week in Panels: Week 60
November 14th, 2010 by Gavok | Tags: ant-man, assassin's creed, Batman, booster gold, hulk, knight, panels, she-hulk, squire, thorIt’s ThWiP time. This week I’m joined by regular contributors Was Taters and Space Jawa. Jawa sent in something for Thanos Imperative, but I didn’t use it since it went against my “full page spreads are not a panel” rule. Also, David handed me a couple panels, but skipped on Amazing Spider-Man because it “became unreadable overnight.” Yikes.

Ant-Man & The Wasp #1
Tim Seeley
Assassin’s Creed: The Fall #1
Cameron Stewart and Karl Kerschl
Avengers Prime #4
Brian Michael Bendis and Alan Davis
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #6
Grant Morrison, Lee Garbett and Pere Perez
Booster Gold #38
Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis and Chris Batista
B.P.R.D.: Hell on Earth: New World #4
Mike Mignola, John Arcudi and Guy Davis
Chaos War: Thor #1
J.M. DeMatteis and Brian Ching
Incredible Hulks #616
Greg Pak, Barry Kitson, Tim Seeley and Al Rio
Justice League: Generation Lost #13
Judd Winick and Joe Bennett
Knight & Squire #2
Paul Cornell and Jimmy Broxton
New Avengers #6
Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen
Red Robin #17
Fabian Nicieza and Marcus To
She-Hulks #1
Harrison Wilcox and Ryan Stegman
Tiny Titans/Lil Archie and His Pals #2
Art Baltazar, Franco
Ultimate Thor #2
Jonathan Hickman and Carlos Pacheco
Unwritten #19
Mike Carey and Peter Gross
Welcome to Tranquility: One Foot in the Grave #5
Gail Simone and Horacio Domingues
Despite the deaths of Nova, Starlord and Dr. Voodoo… I’m more broken up over Magog. He deserved better, damn it.
And now, for your amusement, here’s a badass cover of the Johnny Quest theme as done by the group Powerglove.
I picked up this album a couple weeks ago. It makes me want to fight a dragon with an enchanted battle axe.
Dang, forgot about that rule…
i wouldn’t go so far as to say that spider-man is unreadable over night. i actually liked this recent issue. my only qualm is that mac and venom are separated. but even that is being set up for potential fun. really depends where they go with all this.
That’s what I get for reading this before reading comics. You’re still a good dude, Gavok.
Nova and Star Lord aren’t dead. Just “plugging the hole in forever” so to speak.
@darrylayo: Sorry, dude. I wasn’t thinking.
You’re reading a post dedicated to wrapping up the week in comics and you’re complaining about spoilers?
@david brothers: I don’t see complaining. But I probably shouldn’t have listed every little death anyway.
I thought ASM was quite enjoyable, and I’m hoping David will expound upon his opinion, because we usually sync up in our taste in Spider-Man.
And, my two cents, I thought TWiP was intentionally supposed to be spoiler-free (at least for major plot twists), so I read these posts less carefully than I might otherwise. Especially for a book that didn’t even have a panel listed, and proclaimed so up front. Yeah, wasn’t really expecting that.
By the way, is Assassin’s Creed based on the videogame? Isn’t that set in olden times?
I didn’t think ASM #648 was unreadable but there was WAAAAAAAY too damn much going on in it. What did Black Cat showing up add to anything? Couldn’t the stuff with what I’m assuming are the new Spider-Slayers and Mac Gargan be saved for later? It should have just focused on Pete getting his new job and building up to the reveal that Hobgoblin’s back. Instead, it’s like Slott had all these ideas but got scared that if he didn’t throw them in NOW, he wasn’t going to get the chance. Hopefully this issue was a hiccup and Slott gets his stuff together now that he’s got most of the setup out of the way.
David, for whatever it’s worth, I thought the point of this was that they were small, representative, safe windows into these tales. I also find them more interesting when they’re new to me – as opposed to after I have read the books.
So, it might be a shared impression.
I added spoiler stuff on the deaths in question.
Hm. You’d think Kratos would put up a better fight against the Hulk. ;p
@clay: It’s actually set in the future; it’s revealed pretty much at the beginning of the game that your character has been kidnapped by a shadowy organization that uses a machine that allows you to relive the memories of your ancestors. Of course, most of the game is comprised of these memories, so the near-future scenes don’t tend to make it into promotional material.
Magog “deserved better”? Seriously? To me, he never really came across as anything but an asshole.
If anything, what he deserved was to get taken out like more of a bitch.
@Ed: I admittedly didn’t read much of the JSA stuff, but I found him to be an interesting character in his solo series. Then again, I’m one of three people who read that series.
I honestly liked Magog, i loved what Keith Giffen did with him and liked her dinamyc with Powergirl and the rest of the JSA.
He was the antihero-extreme character of DC and i will miss him. At least i loved his last mission in which he was awesome (JSA annual)
I think Magog is likable primarily because he was created explicitly to be Wrong. Even his clothing was supposed to show how Wrong and Stupid he was and wasn’t he lucky that he lived to be all repentful for his WRONGness. But maybe the message wasn’t driven home hard enough, so instead we get to see him pre-lesson learned where we can see him be WRONG and get punished for it some more.
Sort of weird how that can turn a 7-foot guy with glowy armour and a horrible attitude into the underdog.
Generation Lost and Knight & Squire were my two favorite books this week.
Yeah, how exactly was ASM unreadable? Though not without its flaws, this is the best issue of Spider-man in years!