Ultimatum Edit Week 2: Day Six
January 1st, 2009 by Gavok | Tags: blob, captain america, giant man, hawkeye, hela, jeph loeb, Marvel comics, thor, ultimate edit, ultimatum, wasp, x-menYesterday’s installment was all about Thor going into the afterlife to go save Valkyrie. I don’t even know what she’s doing in Valhalla in the first place. She died by drowning. You don’t get into Valhalla for weak garbage like that.
No matter. We continue Thor’s quest and move onto that scene. God help us.

ManiacClown is entirely to blame for the second page. I’ve seen Rocky Horror Picture Show maybe once in my life and that was years ago. That was enough.
Tomorrow we finish the week off with a confrontation between Xavier and Magneto. Surely, it will fail to capture the greatness of their battle from the second Japanese X-Men cartoon intro, where they fight by blasting Xavier’s mind rays against Magneto’s magnetic rays.
As I recall, women don’t get into Valhalla at all.
Plus, Loeb? Thanks for, you know, ruining any and all father/daughter confrontations that would have happened between Firestar and Blob in Ultimate X-Men. Oh, wait! *Slaps Forehead* You got that book cancelled! Just like Ultimate Fantastic Four and She-Hulk. The latter, as I recall, from your characteristic negligence in keeping to characterisation and continuity.
How many versions of Blob are there in the Ultimate universe? I think that’s number three. And 2008 reaaaaallllyy wasn’t Wasp’s year, was it?
no chinese food jokes ?
@mack: First column, very bottom.
@Stig, I think the reason women don’t get into Valhalla is because in that society, they weren’t warriors. Besides, even if they did, they’d probably become Valkyries instead of Einherjar.
And you know, I’m honestly surprised that nobody’s commented on A) “peppermint-besotted harlot”, B) “O-Holy-Night face”, or C) Blackest Friday from yesterday’s update. I thought those were particularly good (and yes, I did write those), but what Gavok said elsewhere about the Thor parts being the most fun to write was totally true. However, I think the future Rocky Horror parts are going to get up there as well, at least for me. Neither of us can believe we’ve gotten seven issues worth of Christmas jokes out of all this so far without any significant recycling. I’m still proud of the “Christmas meat” from WAAAY back in Ultimate Edit #1.
They made Firestar the BLOB’s daughter? I fucking hate the Ultimate ‘verse and its stupid, stupid storylines so damn much. And while non-warriors couldn’t become Einherjar, its not like other members of the Norse or Vanir pantheons didn’t have halls. Frig would pick up scholars, skalds and crafters and the like for her hall…
I know right..
in the regular Marvel Universe she’s killed off
and now in the Ultimate universe she gets eaten by The Blob…
Did marvel had another summit?saying something like: “Wasp really sucks as a character…Let’s kill her off,nobody will care..if the people start bitching about it,we’ll just bring her back using a convincing but extremely complicated plot device for yet ANOTHER big Event” or reducing that to “she was a clone”
@LurkerWithout: The Blob/Firestar thing was Bendis’ doing and he did it rather well. That’s a part of the problem of this story.
Bendis concluded his Amazing Friends arc in Ultimate Spider-Man with a scene from years ago between Blob and Magneto in the Savage Land that did a lot to humanize Blob and make him seem slightly more than two-dimensional. Then it’s followed up on with this.
Bendis concluded his Amazing Friends arc in Ultimate Spider-Man with a scene from years ago between Blob and Magneto in the Savage Land that did a lot to humanize Blob and make him seem slightly more than two-dimensional. Then it’s followed up on with this.
Character development is SUCH an outdated concept. Who needs anything but sex, SFX and “edgy” violence to make you, the viewer, care what happens next in a serial?
I mean, look how well it’s working for Frank Miller’s The Spirit right now!
Jesus christ, I hate this comic so much I can’t find it funny…