This Week in Panels: Week 87
May 22nd, 2011 by Gavok | Tags: Batman, panelsOkay, this bullshit has gone on long enough. I’ve been slacking and it’s inexcusable. This week I’m making up for it. Seven days in a week. Seven posts by me. I need this and I’m going to make sure that I get it don–zzzzzz
Huh?! Oh, right. ThWiP update. While I’m joined by the usual batch of helpers in David Brothers, Was Taters and Space Jawa, I also get first-timer Ryan Donovan joining in. He’s got a blog, too!

Alpha Flight #0.1
Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente and Ben Oliver
Avengers #13
Brian Michael Bendis and Chris Bachalo
Avengers Academy #14
Christos Gage and Sean Chen
Batman #710
Tony S. Daniel and Steve Scott
Batman and Robin #23
Judd Winick, Guillem March and Andrei Bressan
Batman: Gates of Gotham #1
Scott Snyder, Kyle Higgins and Trevor McCarthy
Booster Gold #44
Dan Jurgens
Darkwing Duck #12
Ian Brill and James Silvani
Deadpool MAX #8
David Lapham and Kyle Baker
Hellblazer #279
Peter Milligan and Giuseppe Camuncoli
Herc #3
Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente and Neil Edwards
Heroes for Hire #7
Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning and Tim Seeley
Hulk #33
Jeff Parker and Gabriel Hardman
Power Girl #24
Judd Winick and Hendry Prasetya
Rocketeer Adventures #1
John Cassaday and various others
Skaar: King of the Savage Land #3
Rob Williams and Brian Ching
Thunderbolts #157
Jeff Parker, Kev Walker and Declan Shalvey
Tiny Titans #40
Franco and Art Baltazar
Ultimate Avengers vs. New Ultimates #4
Mark Millar and Leinil Yu
Ultimate Spider-Man #158
Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley
Uncanny X-Force #10
Rick Remender, Billy Tan and Rich Elson
X-23 #10
Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda
X-Factor #219
Peter David and Emanuela Lupacchino
I got a big article coming up tomorrow that I ultimately wrote very little of, but I put it together and I think the final product is as interesting as I hoped.
Here, have a neat mash-up:
Wait, so Bendis really is ‘shipping Hawkeye x Spider-Woman? The House to Astonish guys mentioned it on their podcast, but I’d hoped they’d made some sort of horrible, horrible mistake…
Eh, what’s wrong with that? Mockingbird dumped him, so why not?
Man, the Sinister Six has really been showing up all over the place lately. Iron Man, Avengers Academy, ASM of course… Doc Ock is getting a big push, and it actually seems like Marvel has a plan!
That is a LOT of Batman.
It doesn’t sound like shipping in the panel, more like Hawkeye had an… embarrassing accident.
Wasn’t Hawkeye just freaking out about Mockingbird being hospitalized in New Avengers? Now he’s hitting on Spider-Woman in Avengers?
@jps: You can be worried about one woman while being interested in another entirely.
Everyone leaves a title eventually, and Bendis will have to leave Avengers, someday. There are no exceptions. But sometimes, Oh God, the Green Mile is so long.
lol I have a friend who loves the Bendis Avengers and gets on me for hating on them… with this issue (Hawkeye’s his favorite character), he begun to come over to my side with how quick Clint was macking on Jessica…
Booster’s adventures in Flashpoint w/o a time safety net will be interesting and his face when he saw his opponent was PRICELESS….
This is the year of Doctor Octopus being an A-List villain again…
Croc’s the..um..man in Tiny Titans… 🙂