This Week in Panels: Week 98
August 7th, 2011 by Gavok | Tags: avengers academy, Batman, flashpoint, panelsWelcome, folks! I’m joined by Was Taters, Boco T and Space Jawa. Due to an email snafu, Jawa has both this week and last week’s Ultimate Fallout issues. Just so you know, if anyone out there feels that their favorite comics aren’t represented on ThWiP, by all means, join in. The more the merrier. Just remember the guidelines:
– Try to whittle the entire issue into one panel. Something that gives you a good sell on what it’s all about.
– Splashes that fill an entire page or two don’t count.
– Don’t spoil too much. If the comic is about Wolverine fighting Daken, don’t show a panel of Wolverine standing over a defeated Daken. Something where they’re running at each other with their claws out makes more sense.
– Try not to take anything from the last page.
Send any panels to jaguartooth (at) gmail.com before Sunday night and you’re gravy.

Avengers Academy #17 (Gavok’s pick)
Christos Gage and Sean Chen
Avengers Academy #17 (Boco T’s pick)
Christos Gage and Sean Chen
Batman: Gates of Gotham #4
Scott Snyder, Kyle Higgins, Dustin Nguyen and Derec Donovan
Flashpoint #4
Geoff Johns and Andy Kubert
Flashpoint: Batman Knight of Vengeance #3 (Space Jawa’s pick)
Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso
Flashpoint: Batman Knight of Vengeance #3 (Gavok’s pick)
Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso
Flashpoint: Deathstroke & The Curse of the Ravager #3
Jimmy Palmiotti, Tony Shasteen and Alex Massacci
Flashpoint: The World of Flashpoint #3
Rex Ogle and Eduardo Francisco
Herc #6
Greg Pak, Fred Van Lente and Neil Edwards
Heroes for Hire #10
Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning and Kyle Hotz
Hulk #38
Jeff Parker and Elena Casagrande
I, Zombie #16
Chris Roberson and Michael Allred
Punisher #1
Greg Rucka and Marco Checchetto
Secret Six #36
Gail Simone and J. Calafiore
Severed #1
Scott Snyder, Scott Tuft and Attila Futaki
Thunderbolts #161
Jeff Parker and Declan Shalvey
Ultimate Fallout #3
Nick Spencer, Eric Nguyen and various others
Ultimate Fallout #4
Jonathan Hickman, Salvador Larroca and various others
When I was reading Herc, there were two pages that stood out to me.

Throughout this whole scene, all I could think of was this.
I love you, YouTube.
Gods, but I hate Kyle Hotz’ pencils. So damn ugly…
@LurkerWithout: i respectfully disagree. kyle hotz owns bonesssssss
In the words of Homer Simpson, OOOOOh! He Chen Draws Good!
I went back to Avengers Academy 15, and yes, you can tell Striker is staring at Tigra’s breasts. Now *that* is dedication to detail.
Is that… pubes in the Hulk panel? That’s unexpected.