This Week in Panels: Week 225
January 13th, 2014 by Gavok | Tags: avengers, deadpool, injustice, panels, young avengers
It’s a day late, but better late than never, I guess. It’s the Gavin’s Burning the Candle at More Ends Than Candles Actually Have Edition of This Week in Panels. Huge batch this time around with help from Matlock and Gaijin Dan.
Great week in terms of digital comics. Deadpool: The Gauntlet came out, they’re building to the release of the Down Set Fight! graphic novel via releasing pieces of it in digital form. And I’m a happy guy because the second season of Injustice just started! Nobody cares about the game anymore, but whatever! The comic is still great!
Recently at Den of Geek US, I wrote a piece on 11 Comics That Act as Movie Sequels. That one took me a long time to finish due to the research. Which reminds me, some of that research will find its way here in a day or so. But now, let’s panel up.

Action Comics #27
Greg Pak, Aaron Kuder, Mike Hawthorne and R.B. Silva
Afterlife with Archie #3
Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and Francesco Francavilla
All-New Marvel NOW! Point One
Avengers A.I. #8.NOW
Sam Humphries and Andre Lima Araujo
Avengers Plus X-Men #16
Sean Ryan, Goran Parlov, Gerry Duggan and David Yardin
Avengers World #1 (Matlock’s pick)
Jonathan Hickman, Nick Spencer and Stefano Caselli
Avengers World #1 (Gavin’s pick)
Jonathan Hickman, Nick Spencer and Stefano Caselli
Batman ’66 #25
Jeff Parker and Craig Rousseau
Batman/Superman #7
Greg Pak and Brett Booth
Batwing #27
Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray, Jason Masters and Scott Kolins
Black Widow #1
Nathan Edmondson and Phil Noto
Bleach #563
Tite Kubo
Blue Exorcist #53
Kazue Kato
Cataclysm: Ultimate Spider-Man #3
Brian Michael Bendis and David Marquez
Deadpool #22 (Gavin’s pick)
Brian Posehn, Gerry Duggan and Mike Hawthorne
Deadpool #22 (Matlock’s pick)
Brian Posehn, Gerry Duggan and Mike Hawthorne
Deadpool: The Gauntlet #1
Briah Posehn, Gerry Duggan and Reilly Brown
Detective Comics #27
Down Set Fight! #1
Chad Bowers, Chris Sims and Scott Kowalchuk
Dragon Ball Z #46
Akira Toriyama
Earth 2 #19
Tom Taylor, Nicola Scott and Robson Rocha
Forever Evil: Arkham War #4
Peter J. Tomasi and Scot Eaton
Green Lantern #27
Robert Venditti and Dale Eaglesham
Inhumanity: The Awakening #2
Matt Kindt and Paul Davidson
Injustice: Year Two #1 (Matlock’s pick)
Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo
Injustice: Year Two #1 (Gavin’s pick)
Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo
Naruto #660
Masashi Kishimoto
Nisekoi #105
Naoshi Komi
Nisekoi Extra Chapter
Naoshi Komi
One Piece #733
Eiichiro Oda
One-Punch Man #31, part 2
ONE and Yusuke Murata
Seraph of the End #8
Takaya Kagami, Yamato Yamamoto and Daisuke Furuya
Sex Criminals #4
Matt Fraction and Chip Z’Darsky
Swamp Thing #27
Charles Soule and Jesus Saiz
Toriko #263
Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro
Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger #15
J.M. DeMatteis, Fernando Blanco and Miguel Sepulveda
Wolverine #13
Paul Cornell and Alan Davis
World Trigger #45
Daisuke Ashihara
Young Avengers #15 (Matlock’s pick)
Kieron Gillen, Becky Cloonan, Ming Doyle, Joe Quinones and Jamie McKelvie
Young Avengers #15 (Gavin’s pick)
Kieron Gillen, Becky Cloonan, Ming Doyle, Joe Quinones and Jamie McKelvie
Oh, Young Avengers. I’ll miss you so.
And now, a reminder that wrestling is awesome.
Injustice today features the introduction of an intriguing concept: a woman who has literally never read a history book. ‘Cause I’m fairly certain that by being situationally willing to flip the hell out and kill someone on less than ideologically pure grounds, Clark finally proved he was a fairly typical human.
Also, Detective Comics 27 produces precious wisdom that will never be heeded.
@Drakyn: That’s not what her point is. She’s calling him out on the same, “Why don’t you put the whole world in a bottle?” mentality from Red Son. He’s acting like we’re his pets and we have to do what he says because he knows better when the real Superman knows to let humanity figure things out for themselves, but catch them when they’re falling.
@Gavok: Yeah, but disregarding less powerful people as being ants beneath you who you should manipulate for their own good is ALSO fairly common human behavior that doesn’t have anything to do with whether or not you’re from Krypton, Kansas, or Cameroon. The language used here puts humanity on a pedestal: before he was an almost completely unnatural example of virtue in nearly every way, and that was considered so human he ‘fooled’ them, because he was ‘like us.’ Now that he’s sliding into typically human vices and views of the powerful (albeit with a grossly magnified set of personal capabilities), he’s inhuman.
We Idealise the best of humanity and otherise the parts we don’t like.
I.e acting against the interests of humanity = inhumane
here’s a question how long until we get the chapter where scorpion beats up Trigon, like kinda wonder how they going to explain a guy who normally a puppet of gods winning a match against a ruler of one… did Scorpion got his hands on those Super-Pills? Also Gavok http://www.4thletter.net/sfmk/sethsub.jpg that lady in the bottom right seems to be the fifth character capcom been alluding to… though I kinda wish for Daniel Bryan from that middle picture or Sub Zero given it’s the First issue of the series.
oh wait did I say bottom right?! I mean Bottom Left… though Who knows the gender on the person in the right.