This Week in Panels: Week 100 SUPER SPECIAL EXTRAVAGANZA! (Part 1)
August 22nd, 2011 by Gavok | Tags: astro city, Batman, deadpool, fear itself, flashpoint, flex mentallo, gotham central, hellcat, iron fist, justice league elite, kingdom come, nightwing, panels, star wars, venom, watchmen, what ifGod, has it been 100 installments of this garbage already? Well, I said we’d be doing something special and I wasn’t lying. The regular update is merely the appetizer.
So for those of you seeing this for the first time because of the allure of triple digits, here’s the skinny: every week, me and my crew (usually 4L boss man David Brothers and readers Was Taters and Space Jawa) supply panels for all the comics we’ve read from the previous Wednesday. Each panel is meant to be a breakdown of what the comic is about. The essence. The chance to sell it and show off its tone. Give you an idea of what its contents are all about. Yes, some people actually enjoy this. Go figure.
Now let’s get moving.

Avengers #16
Brian Michael Bendis and John Romita Jr.
Avengers Academy #18
Christos Gage and Andrea DiVito
Batman #713
Fabian Nicieza, Steve Scott, Daniel Sampere and Andrei Bressan
Captain America #2
Ed Brubaker and Steve McNiven
Daredevil #2
Mark Waid and Paolo Rivera
Darkwing Duck #15
Ian Brill and James Silvani
Fear Itself: Deadpool #3
Christopher Hastings and Bong Dazo
Fear Itself: The Home Front #5
Christos Gage, Mike Mayhew and various others
Fear Itself: The Home Front #5
Fred Van Lente, Alessandro Vitti and various others
Flashpoint: Abin Sur: The Green Lantern #3
Adam Schlagman, Robson Rocha and Felipe Massafera
Flashpoint: Legion of Doom #3
Adam Glass and Rodney Buchemi
Flashpoint: The Outsider #3
James Robinson and Javi Fernandez
Flashpoint: Wonder Woman and the Furies #3
Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning and Agustin Padilla
Green Lantern Corps #63
Scott Kolins, Joe Prado, Scott Kolins, Freddie Williams II and Daniel HDR
Hellblazer #282
Peter Milligan and Simon Bisley
Hulk #39
Jeff Parker and Gabriel Hardman
Journey Into Mystery #626 (Gavok’s pick)
Kieron Gillen and Doug Braithwaite
Journey Into Mystery #626 (Was Tater’s pick)
Kieron Gillen and Doug Braithwaite
Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine #3
Jonathan Maberry and Laurence Campbell
Power Girl #27
Matthew Sturges and Hendry Prasetya
Thunderbolts #162
Jeff Parker, Valentine De Landro and Matthew Southworth
Tiny Titans #43
Art Baltazar and Franco
Ultimate Fallout #6
Jonathan Hickman, Mitch Breitweiser and various others
Venom #6
Rick Remender and Tom Fowler
Am I the only one enjoying Home Front more than Fear Itself proper? Maybe because showing it from one man’s perspective makes it a stronger story, plus it’s closure to two threads from Civil War.
As far as I’m concerned, Christopher Hastings should be writing the Deadpool ongoing.
Avengers Academy, Darkwing Duck and Thunderbolts status: still kick ass.
Now, then. With this big benchmark, I thought it would be cool if the others and I did a Retro Week in Panels. The idea being that we’d all take our favorite comics, favorite storylines and favorite miniseries and give it the ThWiP business. Nothing from the last two years, since that’s just redundant. Let’s see what the four of us came up with:

Action Comics #775
Joe Kelly, Doug Mahnke and Lee Bermejo
All Star Batman and Robin #1
Frank Miller and Jim Lee
All Star Batman and Robin #2
Frank Miller and Jim Lee
All Star Batman and Robin #3
Frank Miller and Jim Lee
All Star Batman and Robin #4
Frank Miller and Jim Lee
All Star Batman and Robin #5
Frank Miller and Jim Lee
All Star Batman and Robin #6
Frank Miller and Jim Lee
All Star Batman and Robin #7
Frank Miller and Jim Lee
All Star Batman and Robin #8
Frank Miller and Jim Lee
All Star Batman and Robin #9
Frank Miller and Jim Lee
All Star Batman and Robin #10
Frank Miller and Jim Lee
Annihilation Conquest: Nova #1
Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Sean Chen, Scott Hanna, and Brian Denham
Annihilation Conquest: Nova #2
Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Sean Chen, Scott Hanna, and Brian Denham
Annihilation Conquest: Nova #3
Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Sean Chen, Scott Hanna, and Brian Denham
Annihilation Conquest: Nova #4
Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Sean Chen, Scott Hanna, and Brian Denham
Annihilation Conquest: Star-Lord #1
Keith Giffen and Timothy Green II
Annihilation Conquest: Star-Lord #2
Keith Giffen and Timothy Green II
Annihilation Conquest: Star-Lord #3
Keith Giffen and Timothy Green II
Astro city #1
Kurt Busiek, Brent Anderson and Alex Ross
Astro City #6
Kurt Busiek, Brent Anderson and Alex Ross
Astro City v.2 #1/2
Kurt Busiek, Brent Anderson and Alex Ross
Astro City v.2 #8
Kurt Busiek, Brent Anderson and Alex Ross
Astro City v.2 #15
Kurt Busiek, Brent Anderson and Alex Ross
Avengers: The Initiative #1
Dan Slott, Christos Gage, Stefano Caselli, Steve Uy, and Harvey Tolibao
Avengers: The Initiative #2
Dan Slott, Christos Gage, Stefano Caselli, Steve Uy, and Harvey Tolibao
Avengers: The Initiative #3
Dan Slott, Christos Gage, Stefano Caselli, Steve Uy, and Harvey Tolibao
Avengers: The Initiative #4
Dan Slott, Christos Gage, Stefano Caselli, Steve Uy, and Harvey Tolibao
Avengers: The Initiative #5
Dan Slott, Christos Gage, Stefano Caselli, Steve Uy, and Harvey Tolibao
Avengers: The Initiative #6
Dan Slott, Christos Gage, Stefano Caselli, Steve Uy, and Harvey Tolibao
Avengers: The Initiative #7
Dan Slott, Christos Gage, Stefano Caselli, Steve Uy, and Harvey Tolibao
Avengers: The Initiative #8
Dan Slott, Christos Gage, Stefano Caselli, Steve Uy, and Harvey Tolibao
Deadpool #11
Joe Kelly and Pete Woods
Deadpool/Death Annual ’98
Joe Kelly and Steve Harris
Flex Mentallo #1
Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely
Flex Mentallo #2
Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely
Flex Mentallo #3
Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely
Flex Mentallo #4
Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely
Gotham Central #1
Greg Rucka, Ed Brubaker and Mike Lark
Gotham Central #5
Ed Brubaker and Mike Lark
Gotham Central #7
Greg Rucka, Michael Lark
Gotham Central #11
Ed Brubaker, Brian Hurtt
Gotham Central #34
Greg Rucka, Ed Brubaker, Mike Lark and Kano
Gotham Central #40
Greg Rucka, Kano and Gaudiano
Guardians of the Galaxy #1:
Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Paul Pelletier, Brad Walker, and Wes Craig
Guardians of the Galaxy #2:
Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Paul Pelletier, Brad Walker, and Wes Craig
Guardians of the Galaxy #3:
Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Paul Pelletier, Brad Walker, and Wes Craig
Guardians of the Galaxy #4:
Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Paul Pelletier, Brad Walker, and Wes Craig
Guardians of the Galaxy #5:
Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Paul Pelletier, Brad Walker, and Wes Craig
Guardians of the Galaxy #6:
Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Paul Pelletier, Brad Walker, and Wes Craig
You know, this is starting to go a little long for one post. Might as well split this into two parts.
Unfair using this AC panels. *sniffle* UNFAIR!
I haven’t been able to pick up the last couple of issues of Darkwing, but “League of Barely Remembered Villains”? Moliarty, Tuskernini and Jambalaya Jake and Gumbo are some of the best! How else do you explain their being on at most 3 episodes each and me still remembering them? To be fair, I’m drawing a blank on the other two, though I do remember the guy with the helmet having something to do with ants….
Hey, I remember those guys!
Wow, Bendis is a huge asshole.
@D. Druid: Because…?
If you were telling the truth about the panel summing up the comic . . .
The comic is about Captain America teaming up with Sharon, Hill and Hand plus a lot of the tired Avengers talking heads crap we’ve been getting for the past six months. It isn’t a very good issue, but I don’t see how it makes Bendis a huge asshole.
Unless you think that having Bendis’ no-nonsense character not trust the Bendis character that nobody trusts and being no-nonsense about a guy cracking a joke at her expense makes him a huge asshole.
I saw someone on a cell phone relating other people’s dialogue as though it came from a script, a script by a certain special guy, only without the superhero drawings.
The comparison I would make is a Rob Liefeld foot fetish comic.
I still don’t see how a panel of exposition makes the writer a huge asshole, but okay.