Linking it up
December 26th, 2006 by david brothers | Tags: Batman, DC comics, ign, jack kirby, Marvel comics, movies, New York Comic-con, omac, rap, smoking, spider-man, storm, Webcomics, wonder woman— Dinosaur Comics is one of the hands-down funniest webcomics out. Here is my favorite strip. It is a comic about the male gaze (yes, that male gaze) as explained by a neon green t-rex. The red-tinted text is the devil speaking. Enjoy!
— I’m a Wonder Woman fan for very specific stories, and Amazons Attack sounds like one of those stories! Plus, Pete Woods and Will Pfiefer are great together. I’m not sure why they’re attacking, or how, since I could’ve sworn that the Amazons disappeared to another dimension or oblivion along with the Greek gods and didn’t exist any more, but okay. I do like that Pfiefer is going to focus on the foot soldiers, though. That sort of thing has always been more interesting to me.
— Amazons Attack is a great title and I’m glad that they’re actually going to use it. It really, really needs an exclamation point, though. 4thletter!. Amazons Attack!. It’s dynamic, exciting, and cool. Very Silver Age.
— Paul Pope is one of my favorite creators. He is definitely among my ever-growing Top Five Favorite (I’m up to 150!). He has a must-read blog. He’s got a lot of Kirby-related shots up. A little bit of FF, a bit of OMAC (a little Erica in my life). Their styles couldn’t be more different, but both bring a large amount of energy into the fray. Their figures pop off the page. Pope’s OMAC story in his issue of SOLO was great, great stuff. I’ll admit that I haven’t read any of THB (much to my chagrin), but I own 100% (brilliant comics) and One Trick Rip-Off in trade, 3/4 of Batman: Year 100 (and I will buy that trade when it hits), and his issue from Spider-Man: Tangled Web. I love his indie and superhero work equally and I eagerly await everything he puts out. Anyway, read the blog. The stuff about the Batman typeface is fascinating.
— This is an odd thought, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Jack Kirby-drawn Batman. I think at the point when Kirby hit DC, Batman was enjoying the new and gritty revamp, so his style might not have fit? I’d kind of like to see his Bats.
— The 4l crew, as far as we know, are all going to be in full effect at New York Comic-con, Feb 23-25. We’ve got the hotel room booked, flights scheduled, and money saved for getting on a jet plane. See you there? Quite possibly!
— Brian Vaughan’s The Escapists, with art from Phil Bond/Steve Rolston/Shawn Alexander turned out really, really well. Excellent book and possibly my pick for miniseries of the year. Christos Gage and Mike Perkins’s Union Jack, from Marvel, was another surprise hit. It was kind of delightful in a superspy action movie kind of way. The end bit with Sabra and Arabian Knight both not being willing to let go of their prejudices, despite a grudging respect between the two, was pretty well-written, too.
— Come to think of it, Gage wrote that pretty awesome Deadshot mini from a couple years back, too. Someone give him more work. Stormwatch is a start, okay?
— Is it possible to read too many comics? I’ve consistently cut boring or bad comics off my to-read list, so my reading habits are pretty healthy, but I think I try to read everything that’s good. Speaking of good, I think we’re due for a new volume of Naoki Urasawa’s Monster any week now…
— There is a game coming out pretty soon called Arthur and The Invisibles. It isn’t the picture to the left, there, in any way shape or form. It’s based on some movie or another, but I’m so disappointed that I don’t even want to see the flick or play the game! I mean, this thing right here is what you call a killer crossover. You get in the toddlers and youngsters and the dope-smoking smelly hippie crazies! I’d see it twice, even! Arthur Read meets Dane McGowan. The world would never be the same.
Dinosaur Comics rox! It’s both intelligent and silly.
in full effect at New York Comic-con, Feb 23-25
Mark your calendar for Saturday night, 2/24 @ 10pm: PopCultureShock’s 2nd Annual After-Party bash! I’ll be putting together the guest list as we get closer to the date, so keep an eye out for the RSVP.
Kirby drew Batman in the Super Powers miniseries from 1986, but you could tell his heart wasn’t really in it. He had the same problem he had drawing Spider-Man — despite having introduced the character and despite being able to draw similar characters effortlessly, it seems like the effort to stay “on model” with a character whose look was so defined by another artist hampered Kirby’s creative freedom. He never again drew Spidey remotely as well as he did on that first cover; after that he’d seen Ditko’s version and he struggled with drawing what had become a Ditko character. The same applied to Batman.
I’ll certainly be looking to spot bloggers at the NY con — and as a local, I’ll be happy to give folks directions or travel advice — but it’ll be crowded and nobody knows what anyone else looks like. Maybe it’d help if we all wore carnations in our lapels or something?
Guy– you rock, chief! We’ll be there.
RAB: That’s pretty awesome of you. We’re probably going to have something to show that we’re nerdy blogger-types, but I dunno what yet! More info as we get closer, though.
100% is good shit.