New Ultimate Edit Week 5: Day Four
February 27th, 2011 by Gavok | Tags: frank cho, iron man, jeph loeb, loki, new ultimates, thor, ultimate edit, ultimates, valkyrieYesterday showed the two powerhouses of the Ultimates Thor and Zarda duke it out over the streets of New York City as the 9,281st lightning bolt goes off right behind them. I’m wondering how any of these superheroes even hear each other over all the deafening thunder that must be filling the area. As the two slug it out, Iron Man appears in his special Hulkbuster armor out of nowhere. It seems enough to take Thor down and he has been trying to talk some sense into him. That brings us to this.

Thanks to ManiacClown for the help. Tomorrow the not-quite-Christmas story continues.
🙂 Keep up the great work, especially nice commentary in previous installments on Zarda and JMS.