This Week in Panels: Week 47
August 15th, 2010 by Gavok | Tags: batgirl, booster gold, bprd, buzzard, daken, daredevil, frankencastle, guy gardner, hulk, panels, skaar, steve rogers, thorThis week we have a special collaborator Was Taters who didn’t want me to credit her, but I am anyway. So there.
I personally love the pick for Batgirl #13, because I’m imagining that Meatwad is nearby, off-panel.

B.P.R.D.: Hell on Earth New World #1
Mike Mignola, John Arcudi and Guy Davis
Batgirl #13
Bryan Q. Miller and Pere Perez
Booster Gold #35
Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis, Chris Batista and Pat Olliffe
Buzzard #3
Eric Powell
Dark Wolverine #89
Daniel Way, Marjorie Liu, Stephen Segovia and Paco Diaz
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #1
Peter J. Tomasi and Fernando Pasarin
Incredible Hulk #611
Greg Pak, Paul Pelletier, Scott Reed and Miguel Munera
Justice League: Generation Lost #7
Judd Winick and Joe Bennett
Mighty Crusaders #2
Eric S. Trautmann, Brandon Jerwa, Julian Lopez and Carlos Rodriguez
Rawhide Kid #3
Ron Zimmerman and Howard Chaykin
Steve Rogers: Super-Soldier #2
Ed Brubaker and Dale Eaglesham
Thor: The Mighty Avenger #3
Roger Langridge and Chris Samnee
Ultimate Avengers #13
Mark Millar and Steve Dillon
Unwritten #16
Mike Carey and Peter Gross
Welcome to Tranquility: One Foot in the Grave #2
Gail Simone and Horacio Domingues
Incredible Hulk is the best comic of the week, hands down. It doesn’t matter if you’ve decided to skip out on the rest of the World War Hulks arc like I have. On its own, this issue is flat out fantastic.
…do what now?
I always said the new Batgirl was too generic. Look, you can’t even pick her out of a crowd.