Let the King Have Some!
March 17th, 2008 by Gavok | Tags: angel, criticism, fantastic four, greg land, Marvel comics, x-menSeeing as how Hoatzin and hermanos have been getting so much attention for the criticism pile-on for Greg Land in light of him being the sour milk in the bowl of X-Men cereal… whoa! I’m not sure how I feel about that metaphor.
Anyway, I too have made a discovery about Mr. Land. I found an old sketch of Land’s from Ultimate Fantastic Four and noticed it looked a bit off. There’s something strangely familiar about this scene.

Maybe I’m just looking at it too hard. I don’t know.
By the way, Solenna updated her Peabody Award winning Greg Land/X-Men #500 gif. Good for her.
So has anyone made a similar gif from Land’s art, except shifting to porn? Surely someone has matched up his poses.
funny pic
Mack, a handful of his poses have been found, including one of Pamela Anderson, and some of porn star Devon, but not a whole lot. It would take someone with a lot of Kleenex to check all the porn out there!