This Week in Panels: Week 77
March 13th, 2011 by Gavok | Tags: 2000AD, Batman, booster gold, bprd, panels, venomA nice, diverse week in this installment. I’m joined by a very full set of panelists such as David Brothers, Was Taters, Space Jawa and VersasoVantare. Due to a little snafu, Veraso’s 2000AD contributions didn’t make it into the last week, so here you go.

B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth Gods #3
Mike Mignola, John Arcudi and Guy Davis
Batgirl #19
Bryan Q. Miller and Ramon Bachs
Batman and Robin #21
Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason
Batman, Inc. #3
Grant Morrison, Yanick Paquette and Pere Perez
Booster Gold #42
Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis, Chris Batista and Rich Perrotta
I, Zombie #11
Chris Roberson and Michael Allred
Incredible Hulks #624
Greg Pak and Dale Eaglesham
Justice League: Generation Lost #21
Judd Winick and Fernando Dagnino
New Avengers #10
Brian Michael Bendis, Mike Deodato and Howard Chaykin
Punisher MAX #11
Jason Aaron and Steve Dillon
2000AD Prog #1723 (Judge Dredd)
Al Ewing and John Higgins
2000AD Prog #1723 (Kingdom)
Dan Abnett and Richard Elson
2000AD Prog #1723 (Necrophim)
Tony Lee and Lee Carter
2000AD Prog #1723 (Shakara)
Robbie Morrison and Henry Flint
Ultimate Spider-Man #155
Brian Michael Bendis and Chris Samnee
Venom #1
Rick Remender and Tony Moore
Wonder Woman #608
J. Michael Straczynski, Phil Hester and Geraldo Borges
Heh. I just noticed that Bullseye described his abilities as “like magic”. I wonder if that was intentional.
New Avengers is really disappointing me lately. Especially with this bizarre idea of redoing Agents of Atlas’ exact gimmick with a set of other characters. Unless this is going to lead to some kind of Fury’s Avengers vs. Atlas storyline.
By the way, you motherfuckers better be putting Venom on your goddamn pull lists. Just saying.
Venom was fun! It’s like a parody of the ultimate 90’s character: How can make this giant, slobbering, half-insane anti-hero even more badass? Let’s have him shoot five machine guns at once!
And, yeah, Bendis. Every storyline, it seems, makes me ask, how is he going to completely frak up continuity this time?
I stopped reading Bendis a while back when the Word Balloon overload reached critical mass. Glad to see that I’m not the only one who’s disenchanted.
Also, that picture of Bullseye looks nutty. Does he not care that he has nails in his head? I might not read the comic, but you certainly have captured an interesting moment!
I never much liked Venom, but I love Flash Thompson, and Venom # 1 was some serious fun.