This Week in Panels: Week 210
September 30th, 2013 by Gavok | Tags: avengers, deadpool, green lantern, panels, tmnt, wonder woman
Heya. So the idea was that Friday I was supposed to do another installment of This Character in Panels because it was the 4 year anniversary of this weekly segment. Then when working on it, I remembered that it takes like ten times as long to do one of those updates as it does this. Yeah, so I’ll try to have that done tomorrow. The last week’s been a complete mess for me and I’m super glad to have it all done away with.
Elsewhere, I’ve written a review of Street Fighter Origins: Akuma that got posted at Den of Geek US.
This week ends Villains Month at DC, meaning I can go back to knowing what it is I want to read from that company. Thanks to Matlock, who read about 95% of that experiment and gave me panels for it. Also thanks to contributors Gaijin Dan and Space Jawa.

Action Comics #23.4
Sholly Fisch and Steve Pugh
Aquaman #23.2
Geoff Johns, Tony Bedard and Geraldo Borges
Avengers #20 (Matlock’s pick)
Jonathan Hickman and Leinil Francis Yu
Avengers #20 (Gavin’s pick)
Jonathan Hickman and Leinil Francis Yu
Avengers Assemble #19
Kelly Sue DeConnick, Jen Van Meter and Barry Kitson
Avengers Plus X-Men #12
Christos Gage, David Williams, Justin Jordan and Angel Unzueta
Batman #23.4
Peter J. Tomasi and Graham Nolan
Batman ’66 #13
Jeff Parker and Ruben Procopio
Batman and Robin #23.4
Tim Seeley and Francis Portela
Batman/Superman #3.1
Greg Pak and Brett Booth
Batman: The Dark Knight #23.4
Ann Nocenti and Georges Jeanty
Bleach #549
Tite Kubo
Deadpool #17 (Gavin’s pick)
Brian Posehn, Gerry Duggan and Declan Shalvey
Deadpool #17 (Matlock’s pick)
Brian Posehn, Gerry Duggan and Declan Shalvey
Detective Comics #23.4
Frank Tieri and Scot Eaton
Dragon Ball Z #32
Akira Toriyama
Green Lantern #23.4 (Matlock’s pick)
Matt Kindt and Dale Eaglesham
Green Lantern #23.4 (Gavin’s pick)
Matt Kindt and Dale Eaglesham
Infinity: Heist #1
Frank Tieri and Al Barrionuevo
Itty Bitty Hellboy #2
Art Baltazar and Franco
Jaco the Galactic Patrolman #10
Akira Toriyama
Justice League #23.4
Geoff Johns, Sterling Gates and Szymon Kudranski
Justice League of America #7.4
Geoff Johns, Sterling Gates and Edgar Salazar
Naruto #647
Masashi Kishimoto
Nisekoi #91
Naoshi Komi
One-Punch Man #26
ONE and Yusuke Murata
Powerpuff Girls #1
Troy Little
Punisher: Trial of the Punisher #1
Marc Guggenheim and Leinil Francis Yu
Saga #14
Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples
Scarlet Spider #22 (Matlock’s pick)
Chris Yost, Erik Burnham, David Baldeon, Patrick Olliffe and Timothy Green II
Scarlet Spider #22 (Gavin’s pick)
Chris Yost, Erik Burnham, David Baldeon, Patrick Olliffe and Timothy Green II
Sex Criminals #1
Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #3
Robert Rodi and Michael Del Mundo
Superman #23.4
Aaron Kuder
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #26 (Jawa’s pick)
Kevin Eastman, Bobby Curnow, Tom Waltz and Mateus Santolouco
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #26 (Gavin’s pick)
Kevin Eastman, Bobby Curnow, Tom Waltz and Mateus Santolouco
Toriko #250
Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro
Ultimate Spider-Man #27
Brian Michael Bendis and Dave Marquez
Wolverine and the X-Men #36
Jason Aaron and Giuseppe Camuncoli
Wonder Woman #23.2 (Gavin’s pick)
Brian Azzarello and ACO
Wonder Woman #23.2 (Matlock’s pick)
Brian Azzarello and ACO
World Trigger #31
Daisuke Ashihara
Young Avengers #10
Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie
Man, if Deadpool hadn’t hit its stride before, it most certainly has with this arc.
And here’s a clip of Fred Willard convincing Freddy Krueger not to kill a puppet of George HW Bush.
I flipped through Deadpool at my comic shop. I loved that bit 1-2-3-4 I declare and actual war
Woner Woman has Gnolls? Oh my god! I just pray to god that they don’t unleash the murlocs!
That looks painful, Nappa. If only Vegeta had a way to relieve you of that pain.
Could “President Quayle” still be a viable punchline nowadays? Come to think of it, where is Dan Quayle? Cheney pops out of his bunker to take shots at the president every now and then.
Dan Quayle’s out of politics pretty much. His son is in Congress right now
Who’s that turtle with Shredder? =O
@Arturo: That would be Leonardo.