This Week in Panels: Week 209
September 22nd, 2013 by Gavok | Tags: avengers, Batman, daredevil, dial h, infinity, injustice, panels, wonder woman
Hey! It’s you! I’m busy as hell this week, but I’m still going to be doing a bunch of ThWiP off-shoots over the next couple days. Tomorrow it’s This Year in Panels while this Friday I’ll be doing the return of This Character in Panels. Why? Because it’ll have been four years as of Friday, that’s why. Ah, the days of ThWiP Week 1 in 2009.

Back when people still remembered Skaar.
So anyway, this week brings us the end of Injustice: Gods Among Us for the time being. “Year One” just ended and there’ll be an Annual in November. Then it relaunches in January. In the meantime, I’ve written a retrospective/review of sorts for Den of Geek US the other day. Speaking of which, I’m going to be doing more hands-on stuff with that site, so that’s pretty exciting for me.
This week I have my fellow Injustice reader Matlock, who is still reading up on most of the DC villains comics. Gaijin Dan still has his manga and Was Taters makes her grand return. Let’s get to it.

Action Comics #23.3
Charles Soule and Raymund Bermudez
Batman #23.3
Frank Tieri and Christian Duce
Batman ’66 #12
Jeff Parker and Sandy Jarrell
Batman: The Dark Knight #23.3
John Layman and Cliff Richards
Bleach #548
Tite Kubo
Daredevil #31 (Taters’ pick)
Mark Waid and Chris Samnee
Daredevil #31 (Matlock’s pick)
Mark Waid and Chris Samnee
Detective Comics #23.3
Peter J. Tomasi and Szymon Kudranski
Dragon Ball Z #31
Akira Toriyama
Flash v4 #23.3 (Matlock’s pick)
Brian Buccellato and Patrick Zircher
Flash v4 #23.3 (Gavin’s pick)
Brian Buccellato and Patrick Zircher
Green Lantern #23.3
Charles Soule and Alberto Ponticelli
Infinity #3 (Gavin’s pick)
Jonathan Hickman, Jerome Opena and Dustin Weaver
Infinity #3 (Matlocks’ pick)
Jonathan Hickman, Jerome Opena and Dustin Weaver
Injustice: Gods Among Us #36 (Gavin’s pick)
Tom Taylor and Mike S. Miller
Injustice: Gods Among Us #36 (Matlock’s pick)
Tom Taylor and Mike S. Miller
Jaco the Galactic Patrolman #9
Akira Toriyama
Justice League #23.3 (Matlock’s pick)
China Mieville and Various
Justice League #23.3 (Taters’ pick)
China Mieville and Various
Justice League of America #7.3
Tom DeFalco and Chad Hardin
Mega Man #29
Ian Flynn and Mike Cavallaro
Naruto #646
Masashi Kishimoto
New Avengers #10 (Matlock’s pick)
Jonathan Hickman and Mike Deodato
New Avengers #10 (Gavin’s pick)
Jonathan Hickman and Mike Deodato
Nisekoi #90
Naoshi Komi
One Piece #721
Eiichiro Oda
One-Punch Man #25, part 2
ONE and Yusuke Murata
Savage Wolverine #8
Zeb Wells and Joe Madureira
Secret Avengers #9
Nick Spencer and Butch Guice
Superior Carnage #3
Kevin Shinick and Stephen Segovia
Superior Spider-Man #18
Dan Slott and Ryan Stegman
Superman #23.3
Scott Lobdell and Dan Jurgens
Teen Titans #23.2
Corey May, Dooma Wendschuh, Moritat, Angel Unzueta and Robson Rocha
Thunderbolts #15 (Gavin’s pick)
Charles Soule and Jefte Palo
Thunderbolts #15 (Matlock’s pick)
Charles Soule and Jefte Palo
Toriko #249
Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro
Uncanny X-Men #12
Brian Michael Bendis and Chris Bachalo
Venom #41
Cullen Bunn and Jorge Coelho
Wonder Woman #23.1 (Matlock’s pick)
John Ostrander and Victor Ibanez
Wonder Woman #23.1 (Taters’ pick)
John Ostrander and Victor Ibanez
World Trigger #30
Daisuke Ashihara
In case you’re wondering, yes, Alfred did just beat the bejeezus out of Superman. It is an amazing season finale.
Infinity and its Hickman-written tie-ins still rule. They rule so much. So very, very much.
The other day I remembered this Crypt Keeper bit from Beavis and Butt-head and couldn’t stop laughing.
“You’re a prevert, Beavis.”
Woah woah woah. Venom 41 there….the symbiote’s finally getting to SAY something? Or is it just Flash having a meltdown?
Someone needs to assemble a dead children bodycount for Villain’s Month. Because this is starting to creep out of absurdly stupid into just disgusting.
@Drakyn: It turns out that when the symbiote spawned itself to create Mania, it also gave her the mark of the devil that’s been possessing Venom. Flash used this crystal thingy to enter his own mind/memories to converse with the symbiote. The symbiote basically told him, “I passed the mark onto the girl to save you. I’m always saving you and you never give a shit about what I do unless it suits your needs. Fuck you.”
@Gavok: Woah, extirpation of a bizarre subplot in a cool way that segues naturally into a conversation that was a long time in coming?
It’s Venommas in September! Thanks!
I”d look into buying the videogame version of Injustice if Alfred was the final battle in it…
@LurkerWithout: Who WOULDN’T?