This Week in Panels: Week 198
July 7th, 2013 by Gavok | Tags: Batman, injustice, panels, thunderbolts, what if
Hello, ladies and gentlemen. The ThWiP wheels keep turning and it’s been a great week of stuff, especially because of Batman ’66 gracing our digital devices. Also, Venom has bitching art and Deadpool Kills Deadpool cleans off the stink that came from Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe… even if it killed off Golden-Age Deadpool from that comic one-shot that only I and four other people read from three years ago. Speaking of Deadpool comics that are no longer bad, Daniel Way is off Thunderbolts and it’s already much, much better and comprehensible.
My helpers this week are Gaijin Dan, Matlock, Space Jawa and Jody. Speaking of helpers, thanks to the many people who have already contributed to This Character in Panels. Keep it coming! The deadline is July 21st.

Adventures of Superman #10
Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning and Wes Craig
Avengers #15
Jonathan Hickman, Nick Spencer and Stefano Caselli
Avengers AI #1
Sam Humphries and Andre Lima Araujo
Batman ’66 #1 (Gavin’s pick)
Jeff Parker and Jonathan Case
Batman ’66 #1 (Jody’s pick)
Jeff Parker and Jonathan Case
Batman Incorporated #12
Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham
Batwing #22
Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray and Eduardo Pansica
Bleach #543
Tite Kubo
Cross Manage #39
Deadpool Kills Deadpool #1
Cullen Bunn and Salva Espin
Dragon Ball Z #21
Akira Toriyama
Green Lantern #22
Robert Venditti and Billy Tan
Injustice: Gods Among Us #25 (Matlock’s pick)
Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo
Injustice: Gods Among Us #25 (Gavin’s pick)
Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo
Naruto #636
Masashi Kishimoto
One Piece #712
Eiichiro Oda
One-Punch Man #21
ONE and Yusuke Murata
Red She-Hulk #67
Jeff Parker, Carlo Pagulayan, Patrick Olliffe and Wellinton Alves
Sonic the Hedgehog #250 (Gavin’s pick)
Ian Flynn and Ben Bates
Sonic the Hedgehog #250 (Jawa’s pick)
Ian Flynn and Ben Bates
Superior Foes of Spider-Man #1
Nick Spencer and Steve Lieber
Swamp Thing #22
Charles Soule and Kano
Thunderbolts #12 (Matlock’s pick)
Charles Soule and Steve Dillon
Thunderbolts #12 (Gavin’s pick)
Charles Soule and Steve Dillon
Toriko #239
Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro
Venom #37
Cullen Bunn and Kim Jacinto
What If: Avengers vs. X-Men #1 (Gavin’s pick)
Jimmy Palmiotti and Jorge Molina
What If: Avengers vs. X-Men #1 (Matlock’s pick)
Jimmy Palmiotti and Jorge Molina
What If: Avengers vs. X-Men #1 (Jawa’s pick)
Jimmy Palmiotti and Jorge Molina
World Trigger #20
Daisuke Ashihara
That What If issue is kind of weird. Or at least, the first scene really chafes me. So we see the Guardians of the Galaxy flying through space and they get fried by the Phoenix. Um… why? Why does Magneto training Hope cause the Guardians to be killed in the lead-up? That’s like saying, “What If Spider-Man killed the Green Goblin with his bare hands? Then Captain America would never have been frozen back in the 40’s!”
I’m excited about this week’s episode of Raw and it’s mainly because of this:
“Oh, no! Yamcha’s been Yamcha’d!!!”
FYI, Brian Posehn & Gerry Dugan have been kicking ass on Deadpool.
Should I even ask who that guy from Bleach is? I’d care a lot more, but anytime I get into the anime, they go right into filler.
How many “What Ifs” have included a scene where Wolverine goes to stab someone, only to stab someone else entirely? Does it happen nearly as many times as Spider-Man dying?
The only one I can think of off the top of my head was in the issue where Wolverine became Lord of the Vampires. Except I guess he sliced off someone’s head, not stabbed them. So I guess the real question is how many times has Wolverine accidentally killed someone in a “What If?”?
@Jason: I know, I’ve been reading the series. Hell, the ThWiP header image is from their comic.
@Mike Podgor: No, that was the other way around. Punisher tried to cut off Vampire Wolverine’s head and accidentally cut off Vampire Kitty Pryde’s head. Then Vampire Wolverine stabbed him out of anger.
Other than that, I can’t really think of any instances other than, “Whoops! Sorry, Storm!” The only instances that come close are stories where he does something and it somehow leads to characters dying way later, which is true for just about every Marvel character in that series. Nothing heat of the moment.
Sonic the Hedgehog 250 might be issue of the year IMO. So… many… great… moments.
Those Avengers-style people in Venom, are they Taskmaster’s students from an early 90s Spider-Man?
I am feeling old.
That Batwing exchange is some dumpy exposition – but I’ll forgive it if “voice modulator” is a Best Show reference.
@Jim Purcell: I see your lone two-page spread from the issue and raise you the version from before the words were added.
@Jason: Honestly, I’m not sure you should care who that Bleach character is. I just thought he had a funny name. Also, the Bleach anime actually ended prior to this final mega-arc. I think they decided not to push their luck with destroying the ratings with more filler, but they may bring the show back after the manga actually ends so they can animate it without padding. Don’t quote me on that, though.
Man, Superior Foes was pretty damn good. Complete dark horse for me. Avengers AI had some wonky moments but Doombot completely justifies picking it up. And Venom is really starting to pick up again.
Ouch, that Injustice costume for Batwoman is not very good. My head is filled with visions of a Nu52 armour redesign for he in the main universe. I’m very happy they stuck with her normal costume when they rebooted. A good costume is as important as a good name.
@Gavok: My bad. Sorry about that.
In other news: proof that Wolverine stabbing the wrong people is officially a beloved trope. The webcomic is funny; when I saw the scene, I thought of the WI: AvX panel.