This Week in Panels: Week 101
August 28th, 2011 by Gavok | Tags: Batman, deadpool, panelsIf you’re reading this post, then it appears that I have no electricity due to the damage caused by Gregory Helms Irene. So I made this draft on Friday and hopefully it gets posted Sunday night like normal and maybe David Brothers edits it with stuff. Either way, I have panels from Was Taters and luis.
If I’ve lost power as feared, then please tell Eddie Brock I loved him.

American Vampire #18
Scott Snyder and Rafael Albuquerque
Batman: Gates of Gotham #5
Scott Snyder, Kyle Higgins, Ryan Parrott, Graham Nolan and Trevor McCarthy
Batman Incorporated #8
Grant Morrison and Scott Clark
Heh. Okay, for real this time.
Batman Incorporated #8
Grant Morrison and Scott Clark
Captain America and Bucky #621
Ed Brubaker, Marc Andreyko and Chris Samnee
DC RetroActive: Justice League of America: The ’90s
Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis and Kevin Maguire
Deadpool #42
Daniel Way and Carlo Barberi
FF #8
Jonathan Hickman and Steve Epting
Incorruptible #21
Mark Waid and Marcio Takara
Punisher #2
Greg Rucka and Marco Checchetto
Ultimates #1
Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribic
Uncanny X-Force #13
Rick Remender, Mark Brooks and Scot Eaton
Wonder Woman #614
J. Michael Straczynski, Phil Hester, Don Kramer and Lee Garbett
So this is the last of me reading Daniel Way’s Deadpool as much as it pains me to abandon one of mt favorite characters. I’ve had enough and now I’m feeling the same long-term remorse as when Way was writing Venom. Considering the big upcoming story arc is about Evil Deadpool made up of Wade’s dismembered parts, I don’t think I’m missing anything important.
Welp. If I’m to lose power, I might as well make the most of it while I have the chance.
From what I’ve been seeing online, Morrison and DC might have been better off just telling people where to look on YouTube for Reboot clips…
“So this is the last of me reading Daniel Way’s Deadpool as much as it pains me to abandon one of mt favorite characters. I’ve had enough and now I’m feeling the same long-term remorse as when Way was writing Venom. Considering the big upcoming story arc is about Evil Deadpool made up of Wade’s dismembered parts, I don’t think I’m missing anything important.”
Don’t worry, I’ve done it too. Its a painful process, not supporting and reading about your favorite characters current and future adventures, but I rationalize that I don’t want to see them degraded like this, and I don’t want to support that kind of thing with my money. Plus, there’s always Deadpool MAX!
I think Punisher #2 might be the most boring fucking Punisher book I’ve ever read in my life. The characters are one dimensional, the plot is uninteresting, its so flat and dull. Punisher shows up, shoots some dudes, shot one chick, cop kinda bicker with one another and Norah Winters showed up and wasted time for a few pages. The art isn’t even that good, things don’t tend to flow from one panel to the next at time, and the layouts are so unimaginative and lazy. Just a lot of big splash panels of the Punisher standing there or firing a gun, the same kind of thing you’ve seen in every other fucking Punisher book ever created, but with none of the energy or interest in the context of the plot. I’m not against crime procedrual, at least as they’re intersting. Gotham Central worked because Gotham City crime is interesting with all its colorful foes played off everyday cops, and the characters like Renee, Crispus, Driver, Romy, and all them were interesting people you’d want to follow. Who the fuck are the protagonists in this story? Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt’s characters from Se7en, minus even the rash hotshot young gun/experienced too old for this shit buddy cop depth that movie had. The book stinks, is what I’m trying to tell you.
That Samnee guy can draw, huh? Like some wild lovechild of Cooke and Wagner, but more dynamic then either of them. Its the kind of thing you might underestimate because of its simplicity, but he’s so good at capturing and exaggerating human behavior and reactions. The story is decent enough, with the right mix of humor, action, and character development that all builds up to a bigger plot, as the best Brubaker Captain America stories tend to be, but Samnee is one of the main reasons why THIS book is fun to read and the McNiven one is slow and sterile.
Ultimates was good. Its Hickman, so its mostly plotplotplotplot, but its good, intriguing plot. Esad Ribic with Dean White’s colors are the real stars of the show though, bringing this wonderful dark atmosphere to the proceedings as the whole thing goes to hell. The look on Thor’s face when non-Captain Britain poured the beer out was just priceless. It was like he just walked on some couple fucking on top of his mom’s coffin, a mixture of disgust, contempt, confusion, and pure rage.
Don’t really know what to say about Uncanny X-Force. I wish Remender would stop drawing attention to his gallows humor every time somebody does it. Just fucking DO IT and stop lampshading it, Rick. And why is AoA Gambit throwing cards instead of knifes? Why do I know that kind of thing? I need to rethink my life if its filled with such useless trivia like that. I can barely pass college Statics, but I can tell you the very first appearance of the Fastball Special(UXM #100, if you’re curious). Anyway, it gets the plot from A-to-B, Deadpool gets a funny line or two, but really, I just want Jerome Opena back. But hey, he IS coming back this Wednesday! Dreams do come true, Gavok(so don’t give up on that dream of a Deadpool/Venom on-going).
* Statistics. I apparently didn’t pass College English courses, either :barf:
Hey! Don’t sully the good name of Reboot by comparing it to BI#8! :argh:
Considering the big upcoming story arc is about Evil Deadpool made up of Wade’s dismembered parts, I don’t think I’m missing anything important.
I… That… That actually sounds awesome. Seriously, that’s the most comicbooky idea that Way has come up with.
Nice shot at Batman Inc.
Once again, great overview!