New Ultimate Edit Week 4: Day Five
December 23rd, 2010 by Gavok | Tags: frank cho, hela, iron man, jeph loeb, new ultimates, thor, ultimate edit, ultimates, valkyrieThe Holiday Wars Continue! Yesterday, Thor went through Zarda like a hot knife through butter and now it’s Iron Man’s turn. Join us as we take a quick trip to Hela’s place where pants appear to be completely optional for all women.

Man, that “Mila Kunis” running gag really doesn’t have legs past the initial gag. Oh, well. By tomorrow’s installment, Loeb will realize that he really needs to move the story forward and we’ll finally get some Thor vs. Loki action.
Thanks to ManiacClown, who has a better idea than I do about whatever Hela is talking about.
Once again, Thor gets the best lines. This is not a complaint.