New Ultimate Edit Week 1: Day Two
March 8th, 2010 by Gavok | Tags: black knight, frank cho, hawkeye, hellcat, iron man, jeph loeb, luke cage, new ultimates, son of satan, ultimate edit, ultimatesYesterday, Iron Man flew by a burning building to have a heart-to-heart with Hawkeye, who seemed down. With everything squared away over the course of two pages, Hawkeye is in better spirits. Read on as stuff happens.

Thanks go out to ManiacClown, who continues to be confused at the length of Clint’s ammo compared to the depth of his magazines.
More fighting tomorrow.
Day Three!
Day Four!
Day Five!
Day Six!
Day Seven!
MK references XD
Wow… in relation to the rest of his body, Black Knight has a really small head.
Will Hellstrom be saying “GET OVER HERE!”? Probably not
Knowing your comments about Benes art, I imagine your comments about Cho’s art are in the same vein. Funny either way. Keep up the great work.
@Kevin Patterson: Frank Cho is light years beyond Ed Benes. His art’s actually good, because he pays attention to facial expressions, proportions, and while he occasionally lets T&A get in the way, it’s not usually to the detriment of the storytelling.
Cho’s tiptop.
@Liquidben: Hellstrom seems more likely to be driving an ice cream truck armed with cotton candy napalm.