Ultimatum Edit Week 2: Day Four
December 30th, 2008 by Gavok | Tags: doctor doom, fantastic four, jeph loeb, Marvel comics, namor, reed richards, thor, ultimate edit, ultimates, ultimatum, zardaPreviously, Hawkeye and Yellowjacket moved past their differences and saw common ground… I guess. Then Thing tried to comfort Sue, only to have her use her powers on him in her sleep.
Let’s continue with the Fantastic Four theme by checking in with Reed and Namor.

We’re not even really exaggerating on Reed’s behavior on those first two pages. The guy is really that dense within this story.
Thanks again to ManiacClown. I’m too tired to have anything witty to go with that.
Thor’s hilarious adventures continue tomorrow.
The South North pole…great work once again, guys.
Awesome, just awesome. If you wanted stupid for these first two pages, you might as well have left the original dialogue.
And what’s up with Power Princess having a problem with Doom being a mass murderer?
NAMOR was behind Punk’s title run? Go get ‘im, Reed! 😉
And what’s up with Power Princess having a problem with Doom being a mass murderer?
Dunno, but she’s actually bitching about that in the book. Those pages are pretty much left intact aside from making Reed slightly more thick. (And Doom’s concert.)
@BringTheNoise: Namor wasn’t behind giving Punk the title, as that ruled on every level.
He’s more behind turning him into Rey Mysterio 2.0 by jobbing him throughout the title reign.
I am more concerned as to why Power princess had the left boob removed?
Thor has Combat boots… but uses rags and a sword…