Ultimate Edit Week 3: Day Four
February 25th, 2008 by Gavok | Tags: jeph loeb, magneto, Marvel comics, quicksilver, scarlet witch, ultimate edit, ultimates, wolverineTime once again for another three pages of Ultimate Edit. Last time we checked in, Wolverine bragged about getting some witch booty. Now let’s go forward one generation.

Sorry for the pun on page two. I had to get that joke out of my system.
Thanks to ManiacClown for the help and thanks to muscles like this? for getting this stuff linked on Something Awful. In the next installment, I promise we’ll actually have scenes dedicated to the Ultimates. You remember them? The guys this comic was named after?
If Wanda and Pietro are twins, wouldn’t that make Pietro also Logan’s potential son/lover?
not reading the book makes this surreal as hell. Dinosaurs? Serious?
Oh man, I love you guys. You actualy made this book entertaining. Kudos.