This Week in Panels: Week 32
May 3rd, 2010 by Gavok | Tags: authority, captain america, deadpool, green lantern, invincible, iron man, marvel zombies, panels, punisher, secret warriors, spider-man, the hood, thunderbolts, ultimatesSorry about the lateness. The last few days have been absolute madness for me. I was going to toss in the Free Comic Book Day stuff in this update, but since I haven’t had a chance to read much of it, and since next week is such a small comic week, I’ll save it for then.

Amazing Spider-Man #629
Roger Stern, Lee Weeks, Zeb Wells and Chris Bachalo
The Authority: The Lost Year #8
Grant Morrison, Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis and David Williams
Captain America #605
Ed Brubaker, Luke Ross, Sean McKeever and David Baldeon
Deadpool #22
Daniel Way and Tan Eng Huat
Green Lantern Corps #47
Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason
Invincible #71
Robert Kirkman and Ryan Ottley
Invincible Iron Man #25
Matt Fraction and Salvador Larroca
Marvel Zombies 5 #2
Fred Van Lente and Kano
New Avengers #64
Brian Michael Bendis and Mike McKone
Punisher #16
Rick Remender and Tony Moore
Secret Warriors #15
Jonathan Hickman and Stefano Caselli
Siege: Secret Warriors
Jonathan Hickman and Alessandro Vitti
Thunderbolts #143
Jeff Parker and Miguel Sepulveda
Ultimate Comics Avengers 2 #1
Mark Millar and Leinil Francis Yu
Unknown Soldier #19
Joshua Dysart and Alberto Ponticelli
Seriously, check out the current issue of The Authority: The Lost Year. It’s an absolute gem, taking place in a world where the Authority are the JLI, the Doctor is Doctor Strange and they get into fights without thinking it through logically first.
I’ve always liked Salaak
The actor who plays Swayer in Lost sure is getting a lot of photo-ref work these days (Jack of Fables, Iron Man, etc).
Gauntlet: Legends jokes in Marvel Zombies AND Howard in a cowboy suit? I can’t ignore this book anymore.
“Gauntlet: Legends jokes in Marvel Zombies AND Howard in a cowboy suit? I can’t ignore this book anymore.”
Sniff… that’s not a Gauntlet: Legends joke, that’s a plain old Guantlet circa 1985 joke. Now I feel old.
Ok, ok, I went with Legends because I wasn’t 100% sure it was just Gauntlet, and didn’t feel like looking it up. You want to feel old? I had a 7th grade student tell me, (after I responded to his frustration at a computer game with “You would have cried if you had to play original Nintendo games”) that he has played them, because he owns a Nintendo 64, which is the “original” Nintendo. On the upside, an NES can probably still do basic math. The kids, not so much.