This Week in Panels: Week 29
April 11th, 2010 by Gavok | Tags: a-team, avengers, Batman, black panther, boys, cable, captain america, damian wayne, deadpool, doom patrol, howard the duck, invincible, luke cage, marvel zombies, panels, shieldI’m not sure who Oberon Sexton really is (he’s the Joker), but I bet he reads This Week in Panels every Sunday.

The A-Team: Shotgun Wedding #3
Joe Carnahan, Tom Waltz and Stephen Mooney
Avengers: The Origin #1
Joe Casey and Phil Noto
Batman and Robin #11
Grant Morrison and Andy Clarke
The Boys #41
Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson
Cable #25
Duane Swierczynski and Paco Medina
Captain America/Black Panther: Flags of Our Fathers #1
Reginald Hudlin and Denys Cowan
Doom Patrol #9
Keith Giffen, Matthew Clark and Ron Randall
Invincible Returns
Robert Kirkman, Ryan Ottley and Cory Walker
Marvel Zombies 5 #1
Fred Van Lente and Kano
New Avengers: Luke Cage #1
John Arcudi and Eric Canete
S.H.I.E.L.D. #1
Jonathan Hickman and Dustin Weaver
I know S.H.I.E.L.D. is incredibly awesome and all that, but not enough is said for how goddamn talented Fred Van Lente is. The final issue of every Marvel Zombies comic keeps having me say, “Okay, now I’m done with the zombie stuff.” Then he proceeds to pull off something fun like this. Aaron Stack and Howard the Duck are the new great buddy team.
I wasn’t going even consider Marvel Zombies this time around, but after what I’ve seen, I think I may just have to go pick it up this week. Or maybe wait for the trade.
I love FVL’s Marvel Zombies as much as I loathe the Kirkman ones…
Pah, the basic plot of SHIELD was already done by The Venture Bros., AND they used historical figures who weren’t as mind-numbingly obvious as Da Vinci, AND they created a more well-thought-out situation to bring them together than “Wouldn’t it be awesome for all of five seconds if Galileo somehow drove away Galactus?”.
Also, I’ve been saying Gravedigger was the Joker (recovering from his plastic surgery and tongue repair scars) all along. His name is literally “King of the Fairies” alongside “One who digs Graves”. Subtle…
I thought Doom Patrol was completely excellent this week. Same with the Luke Cage mini.
Dam, I didn’t even read the first issue of SHIELD and that panel alone made me assume they were copying the O.R.B. story from Venture Brothers. Now please tell me Mark Twain showed up as a SHIELD agent/guild member.
Dam, I haven’t bought any of the Marvel Zombie books since 2, and now I have to because Howard is in it. In cowboy gear, no less!
Dam, Bobby Badoing may be the most hilarious/pathetic character I’ve ever seen in a comic. I guarantee Auntie Sis will go completely apeshit on someone(s) by the end of this story arc.
Lou, at least pick up MZ3, the best of the bunch. Aaron Stack slaughtering his way through the zombie-verse while quipping wise? Yes, please. MZ4 was pretty solid, too, and you should probably just go ahead and buy it at the same time. Books 1 and 2 are the worst of the lot these days!
Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t the Venture Brothers orb thing just a ripoff of the Orb from The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. to start with?
I’m sure next someone will come up with something Brisco County Jr. ripped off, but it’s not like it was a particularly original plot when Venture Brothers did it either.
Pah, the basic plot of SHIELD was already done by The Venture Bros., AND they used historical figures who weren’t as mind-numbingly obvious as Da Vinci, AND they created a more well-thought-out situation to bring them together than “Wouldn’t it be awesome for all of five seconds if Galileo somehow drove away Galactus?”.
How were the plots even close to each other? Both have an ORB that has a mysterious use, and both use a secret History but other than that. The importance of the issue of SHIELD wasn’t the individual flashes back in time It was the story taking place in the 50’s. Seems like a lot of hate for a very promising first issue setup.
It’s. Just. Fanwank. No intelligent research, no substance, no character – just fanwankery. Putting an issue in which David Blaine defeats Mysterio or Sarah Palin teamed up with the Red Hulk, the damn thing is just a bunch of “Oh, wouldn’t it be awesome” moments with no reasonable basis stitched around a tired cliche plot about a cliche secret organization based in a cliche lost city.
The secret of creativity isn’t to create new information but to present old information so that the reader is fooled into thinking it’s new. I’m not fooled. This doesn’t look new. It is mere fanwank, nothing more.
@Stig: It just came out, how do you know that there’s no research or substance? And how is it fanwank? Dudes got paid by the people who own it, that is the dictionary definition of a professional gig.
@david brothers: Seriously. By that token every single person who’s name isn’t Kane or Finger is simply writing Batman useless fanfiction.
SHIELD came out this week? Dammit. Must’ve been sold out at my LCS.
Hasn’t Casey already written an Avengers origin story?