Last Year in Covers
January 5th, 2010 by Gavok | Tags: adam hughes, amanda conner, brandon graham, cameron stewart, covers, daisuke igarashi, darwyn cooke, dave johnson, david lapham, eric powell, francesco mattina, jae lee, JRjr, leinil francis yu, mike deodato, mirco pierfederici, naoki urasawa, omar dogan, paco medina, patrick gleason, patrick zircher, rafael alberquerque, sean phillips, simon bisley, skottie young, taiyo matsumotoWhen I noticed that last week was so dry in terms of releases, I got the idea of doing “This Year in Panels”, especially since I’ve only covered a fraction of 2009. I suggested the idea to hermanos, who wasn’t a fan because he can’t remember enough of 2009 to come up with a collection of panels. Thanks a lot, pot.
Instead, he suggested we do a lovefest gallery for our favorite covers of the year. I’m easy. Let’s do it.

20th Century Boys v.4
Naoki Urasawa
100 Bullets #100
Dave Johnson
Agents of Atlas #7
Carlo Pagulayan
Amazing Spider-Man #587
John Romita Jr.
Amazing Spider-Man #611
Skottie Young
Anti-Venom: New Ways to Live #3
Mirco Pierfederici
Children of the Sea v.1
Daisuke Igarashi
Criminal: The Sinners #3
Sean Phillips
Dark Avengers #9
Mike Deodato
Deadpool #11
Jason Pearson
Dethklok vs. The Goon
Eric Powell
Ghost Riders: Heaven’s on Fire #1
Jae Lee
Gogo Monster
Taiyo Matsumoto
Green Lantern Corps #43
Patrick Gleason
Hellblazer #262
Simon Bisley
The Hunter
Darwyn Cooke
Incredible Hercules #136
Rafael Alberquerque
Jonah Hex #50
Darwyn Cooke
King City #2
Brandon Graham
King City #3
Marian Churchland
The Mighty #1
Dave Johnson
Pluto v.2
Naoki Urasawa
Power Girl #1
Adam Hughes
Power Girl #7
Amanda Conner
Seaguy #2
Cameron Stewart
Seaguy #3
Cameron Stewart
Spider-Man: Noir #1
Patrick Zircher
Street Fighter Legends: Chun-Li #2
Omar Dogan
Superman/Batman #62
Rafael Albuquerque
Thunderbolts #130
Francesco Mattina
Unknown Soldier #10
Dave Johnson
Unknown Soldier #11
Dave Johnson
War Machine #3
Francesco Mattina
What a Wonderful World! Book One
Inio Asano
Young Liars #17
David Lapham
Young Liars #18
David Lapham
Boy, that’s obvious who chose what.
Shocking lack of Detective comics up in this piece, and I know I had a few Batman/Tec covers I dug even before the Batwoman launch.
@taters: Which ones? Comics.org is the easiest way to link them.
Sure. The first Batman of the year (Whatever happened) had three Great covers: http://www.comics.org/issue/567313/cover/4/?style=default
689 – http://www.comics.org/issue/648362/cover/4/?style=default
The second printing on ‘Tec 684 was brilliant – http://www.comics.org/issue/535110/cover/4/?style=default (the one without the banner), was was 857 (http://www.comics.org/issue/666798/cover/4/?style=default)
And of course, Tiny Titans #12, where Doctor Light doesn’t even LOOK like a rapist! http://www.comics.org/issue/558362/cover/4/?style=default
I’m rather a fan of the most recent two Invincible Iron Man covers making up the first two parts of the “Stark: Disassembled” storyline:
#20 – http://www.comicbookdb.com/graphics/comic_graphics/1/368/186440_20091125090459_large.jpg
#21 – http://www.comicbookdb.com/graphics/comic_graphics/1/372/187485_20091217204610_large.jpg
But, yeah, the ASM #611 cover was great. The art currently occupies my rotation of wallpapers.
The Churchland King City is probably my favorite. I’d maybe add Treehouse http://laughingsquid.com/wp-content/uploads/bart-simpsons-treehouse-of-horror-20090622-205933.jpg ?
jk, Gav. I love all y’all.
Out of all of these I gotta say the best are any of the Deadpool ones.
Great selection
also as much as I’d love to see Johnson do interior work he’s just such an awesome cover artist, almost all his covers for Unknown Soldier, Punisher, 100 Bullets and Mighty deserve to be collected they’re that good.