Reign of the Spider-Man
November 30th, 2006 by david brothers | Tags: 355, Batman, dark knight, ign, spider-man, the dark knightKaare Andrews on Spider-Man: Reign
I’m a pretty big Spidey fan. When I get married, it’s going to be in the black and white Spidey costume. It’s kind of like a tux, right? My wife, for what it’s worth, will be dressed as Harley (“Miiiistah J!”) Quinn.
I like Spidey. I like Kaare Andrews. I like dystopian futures. So, therefore, I will probably like Spider-Man: Reign. The stuff Andrews has said about Spidey ring true with me, and the idea of an old, bitter JJJ finally realizing that “Spider-Man: Threat or Menace?” is not necessarily a bad thing is a great idea.
I’m sorry. So sorry. I’m sorry for all of it, my boy. We have so much to talk about.
I love it. Humbled JJJ, a directionless Spidey, I’m digging it. The cover, with Spidey grasping MJ’s gravestone? Bloody haunting. I hope they don’t do anything to hurt MJ, but if they do, I hope that it is well-written. :doom:
Four issues, 48 pages… this actually sounds kind of similar to Paul Pope’s stellar Batman: Year 100, which I also loved. Giving Spidey the Dark Knight treatment would’ve been an awful idea ten years ago, but I think it’ll work well now, in no small part because of the creator.
Looking good. I absolutely love that splash of the limp Spidey coming down to save JJJ.
(if you guys are nice, i’ll tell you about the time i plotted out a pretty awesome Spider-Man: The End. i also once figured out that spidey is somewhere between 27-29 years old, with annotations from the text, in a feverish hour or so of fanfiction and conjecture)
Newsarama’s Blog is making it sound like Your Friendly Neighborhood Dark Knight Returns, but the interview makes me want to give it a chance (I like dystopian futures, too). Humbled JJJ sounds cool, too. Andrews is making it seem MJ has a big role in it (probably playing down all the outrage over the cover), hopefully it’s nothing too bad. And if it is, at least it’s out of continuity. 😛
Judging from the preview, at least, Pete and MJ are no longer together. It makes me curious to see what’s gonna happen. He’s also mentioned that it will have plenty of funny moments in addition to the DKR-esque stuff.
I have hopes. I’m sure it’ll also involve Norman in some way.