This Week in Panels: Week 269: The FINALE!
November 16th, 2014 by Space Jawa | Tags: avengers, AXIS, Batman, captain america, deadpool, injustice, manga, spider-man, Spider-VerseYes, that’s right folks – you’re joining us for one more week full of panels, and one that’s the last Week In Panels for the foreseeable future.
Sad news is I got an email from Gavok earlier this week telling me he and David Brothers decided it was time to put 4th Letter out to pasture. Expect to see a farewell article from DB up in the very near future with details. Between This Week In Panels being a 4th Letter thing and not having a suitable blog of my own to fall back on, this means the end of ThWIP for the foreseeable future, too.
On the bright side, I’m joined for one last session of out-of-context images by Gaijin Dan, Matlock, and of course Gavok. Amusingly, Gaijin Dan’s panels also see the last of the long-running Naruto, which has me jokingly blaming the end of that series for the end of This Week In Panels.
Shall we get to some panels, then? Yes, let’s get to some panels.
One more time into the breach we go!
All-New Captain America #1
(Rick Remender and Stuart Immonen)
Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #5 [Gavok’s Pick]
(Rick Remender and Terry Dodson)
Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #5 [Matlock’s Pick]
(Rick Remender and Terry Dodson)
AXIS: Hobgoblin #2
(Kevin Shinick and Javier Rodriguez)
Batgirl #36
(Cameron Stewart, Brenden Fletcher, and Babs Tarr)
Batman #36
(Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo)
Batman ’66 #47
(Jeff Parker and Scott Kowalchuk)
Bleach #604
(Tite Kubo)
Blue Exorcist #62
(Kazue Kato)
Captain America & The Mighty Avengers #1
(Al Ewing and Luke Ross)
Constantine #19
(Ray Fawkes and Jeremy Haun)
Food Wars #94
(Yuto Tsukuda, Shun Saeki, and Yuki Morisaki)
Guardians 3000 #2
(Dan Abnett and Gerardo Sandoval)
Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #2 [Gavok’s Pick]
(Gerry Duggan and Matteo Lolli)
Hawkeye vs. Deadpool #2 [Matlock’s Pick]
(Gerry Duggan and Matteo Lolli)
Hi-Fi Cluster #8
(Ippei Goto)
Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Three #7 [Gavok’s Pick]
(Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo)
Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Three #7 [Matlock’s Pick]
(Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo)
Itty Bitty Mask #1
(Art Baltazar & Franco)
Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #7
(Brian Michael Bendis and David Marquez)
Naruto #699
(Masashi Kishimoto)
Naruto #700
(Masashi Kishimoto)
The New 52: Futures End #28
(Brian Azzarello, Jeff Lemire, Dan Jurgens, Keith Giffen, and Andy MacDonald)
New Suicide Squad #4
(Sean Ryan and Jeremy Roberts)
Nisekoi #146
(Naoshi Komi)
One Piece #766
(Eiichiro Oda)
Seraph of the End #27
(Takaya Kagami, Yamato Yamamoto, and Daisuke Furuya)
She-Hulk #10
(Charles Soule and Javier Pulido)
Silver Surfer #7
(Dan Slott and Michael Allred)
Spider-Verse #1 [Jawa’s Pick]
Spider-Verse #1 [Matlock’s Pick]
Star Trek #38
(Mike Johnson and Tony Shasteen)
Superior Iron Man #1
(Tom Taylor and Yildiray Cinar)
Thor #2
(Jason Aaron and Russell Dauterman)
Toriko #300
(Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro)
The Transformers #35
(John Barber and Andrew Griffith)
World Trigger #82
(Daisuke Ashihara)
So what now? Well, I can’t say for certain whether This Week in Panels will remain dead permanently. At present, I don’t have any plans of making my own blog explicitly for hosting Week In Panels, no have much interested in searching out other blogs and asking them ‘hey, you want to pick this up for your site’ either with or without Gavok’s permission.
Even so, and in spite of the work involved, I still think that This Week In Panels is fun feature from both sides of things and it would be a shame if this were the last of it. So who knows – someone may yet adapt it and create their own version somewhere else, or in a long shot maybe someone will come along and ask to pick up the feature as-is.
Until then, however, I plan to give it a rest. While I don’t have the same fancy-shmancy big important responsibilities as Gavok or Brothers, I still have my own projects to work on – both my webcomic and my various writing projects – where maybe one day I can get on the same level as both of them.
Till then, this has been This Week in Panels. Major ‘Thank You’s go out to:
*Gavok for reasons that should go without saying
*David Brothers for allowing it to be hosted here and giving Gavok the go-ahead to let me take over from Gavok when he decided he needed a break
*The folks who actually made the comics which gave us panels to use
*And last but not least, all the other folks who have contributed panels over the years, including Gaijin Dan, Matlock, Wes Taters, and several others.
And with that, I’ll go put on my web-slingers and go ThWIP-ing off into the sunset, right after sharing one last video with you.
It’s probably not that accurate all things considered, but I happen to like it all the same.
God. Damn. It.
So long and thanks for all the THWIPS! I do hope to see it again, it really was a great treasure in my RSS feed.
I used to come to this site everyday, but after Gavok stopped having his Venom articles, the Ultimate Edits went away and DB swore off all comics from the Big 2, this site lost it’s pizzazz.
Sorry to see it go. Great concept, and I really had fun contributing to the Character in Panels ones.
Bummer. I really enjoyed–and looked forward to–each new THWIP! I hope it’s not down for the count (and that I can find it if it pops up elsewhere).
Thanks for the fun!