This Week in Panels: Week 261
September 21st, 2014 by Space Jawa | Tags: Batman, deadpool, Edge of Spider-Verse, Futures End, manga, Multiversity, Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesKnow what time it is? Of course you do, because it says what time it is right up THERE!
Joining me this week, as always, are Gaijin Dan, Gavok, and Matlock. Oh, and AnarChris. We have some panels from him this week, too.
Big week for my picks. I actually managed to beat out Gavok with the number of panels I have. Though that’s partially because he didn’t manage to get to Multiversity this week. Which is a shame, because it’s a really good issue.
However, he did have something else he wanted me to share, an article he wrote that’s basically a readers guide to Deadpool where he’s sorted through and picked out the good stuff.
Side note – while I recognize that Gavok’s read WAY more Deadpool than me (frankly, he’s probably read more of just about anything than me), I do feel inclined to say that while I agree with him that Deadpool Corps was a bad joke to be avoided, I think the Deadpool Corps prologue issues were actually pretty decent.
As it so happens, it’s also a surprisingly timely article as well, but as for why, I’ll tell you once we get through this week’s panels…
Avengers #35 (Gavok’s Pick)
(Jonathan Hickman, Jim Cheung, Paco Medina, Nick Bradshaw, and Dustin Weaver)
Avengers #35 (Matlock’s Pick)
(Jonathan Hickman, Jim Cheung, Paco Medina, Nick Bradshaw, and Dustin Weaver)
Batman and Robin: Futures End #1
(Ray Fawkes and Dustin Nguyen)
Batman Eternal #24
(Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Ray Fawkes, and Andy Clarke w/others)
Batwoman: Futures End #1
(Marc Andreyko and Jason Masters)
Bleach #596
(Tite Kubo)
Daredevil #8
(Mark Waid and Chris Samnee)
Deadpool Bi-Annual #1 (Gavok’s Pick)
(Paul Scheer, Nick Giovannetti, and Salva Espin)
Deadpool Bi-Annual #1 (Matlock’s Pick)
(Paul Scheer, Nick Giovannetti, and Salva Espin)
Edge of Spider-Verse #2 (Jawa’s Pick)
(Jason Latour and Robbi Rodriguez)
Edge of Spider-Verse #2 (AnarChris’ Pick)
(Jason Latour and Robbi Rodriguez)
Edge of Spider-Verse #2 (Matlock’s Pick)
(Jason Latour and Robbi Rodriguez)
Hi-Fi Cluster #1
(Ippei Goto)
Hulk #6
(Gerry Duggan and Mark Bagley)
Injustice: Year Two #24 (Gavok’s Pick)
(Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo, and Xermanico)
Injustice: Year Two #24 (Matlock’s Pick)
(Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo, and Xermanico)
Judos #2
(Shinsuke Kondo)
Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #5
(Brian Michael Bendis and David Marquez)
The Multiversity: Society of Super-Heroes #1 (Jawa’s Pick)
(Grant Morrison and Chris Sprouse)
The Multiversity: Society of Super-Heroes #1 (Matlock’s Pick)
(Grant Morrison and Chris Sprouse)
Naruto #692
(Masashi Kishimoto)
Nisekoi #138
(Naoshi Komi)
One Piece #760
(Eiichiro Oda)
Original Sin: Thor and Loki #5
(Jason Aaron, Al Ewing, Simone Bianchi, Lee Garbett, Szymon Kdranski, and Marco Checchetto)
Red Hood and the Outlaws: Futures End #1
(Scott Lobdell and Scott Kolins)
Rurouni Kenshin: Master of Flame #2
(Nobuhiro Watsuki)
Scribblenauts Unmasked: A Crisis of Imagination #9
(Josh Elder and Adam Archer)
Sonic the Hedgehog #264
(Ian Flynn and Tyson Hesse)
Supergirl: Futures End #1
(Tony Bedard and Emanuela Lupacchino)
The Superior Spider-Man #33 (Matlock’s Pick)
(Christos Gage, Giuseppe Camuncoli, and M.A. Sepulveda w/Dan Slott)
The Superior Spider-Man #33 (Jawa’s Pick)
(Christos Gage, Giuseppe Camuncoli, and M.A. Sepulveda w/Dan Slott)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #4 (Gavok’s Pick)
(Paul Allor and Dan Duncan)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #4 (Jawa’s Pick)
(Paul Allor and Dan Duncan)
Toriko #292
(Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro)
The Transformers: More than Meets the Eye #33
(James Roberts and Alex Milne)
Uncanny X-men #26
(Brian Michael Bendis and Kris Anka)
The Wicked + The Divine #4 (Matlock’s Pick)
(Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie)
The Wicked + The Divine #4 (AnarChris’ Pick)
(Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie)
Wonder Woman: Futures End #1
(Charles Soule and Rags Morales)
World Trigger #75
(Daisuke Ashihara)
I must say, seeing Matlock plow through those Futures End issues, I may actually have to look into some of them.
Oh, right, that Deadpool article relevance? Well, as it so happens, it looks like that Deadpool movie that’s been talked about for years may actually be on the way again. Seems that the test footage they released not long ago got a good enough reception to get things kick-started.
What test footage, some of you might ask? Well, for those who have no idea what I’m talking about, I’m referring to THIS test footage.