This Week in Panels: Week 242
May 13th, 2014 by Gavok | Tags: black widow, carnage, deadpool, original sin, panels, punisher, she-hulk
Gaijin Dan is off this week, meaning there’s not much going on in the black and white/right-to-left side of ThWiP stuff. Instead, it’s me and Matlock and Space Jawa. We all read She-Hulk, which I suppose should tell you something about the quality of that book.
I wrote stuff! The other day I did a review of Box Brown’s Andre the Giant: Life and Legend, a biographical graphic novel about the 8th Wonder of the World. Then I did a review for Ashes of CHIKARA, a movie released based on CHIKARA being “closed down” for eight months. One of them I really liked. The other, not so much.
And now on to the super late panels.

Amazing Spider-Man #1.1
Dan Slott and Ramon Perez
Aquaman and the Others #2
Dan Jurgens and Lan Medina
Batwing #31
Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti and Eduardo Pansica
Black Widow #6 (Gavin’s pick)
Nathan Edmondson and Phil Noto
Black Widow #6 (Matlock’s pick)
Nathan Edmondson and Phil Noto
Burn the Orphanage: Reign of Terror #1
Sina Grace and Daniel Freedman
Cyclops #1
Greg Rucka and Russell Dauterman
Deadpool vs. Carnage #3 (Jawa’s pick)
Cullen Bunn and Salva Espin
Deadpool vs. Carnage #3 (Gavin’s pick)
Cullen Bunn and Salva Espin
Detective Comics #31
Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato
Earth 2 #23
Tom Taylor and Nicola Scott
Future’s End #1
Brian Azzarello, Jeff Lemire, Dan Jurdans, Keith Giffen and Patrick Zircher
Loki: Agent of Asgard #4
Al Ewing and Lee Garbett
Magneto #3 (Matlock’s pick)
Cullen Bunn and Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Magneto #3 (Gavin’s pick)
Cullen Bunn and Gabriel Hernandez Walta
Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man #1
Brian Michael Bendis and David Marquez
Moon Knight #3
Warren Ellis and Declan Shalvey
New Warriors #4
Christopher Yost and Marcus To
Original Sin #1 (Matlock’s pick)
Jason Aaron and Mike Deodato
Original Sin #1 (Gavin’s pick)
Jason Aaron and Mike Deodato
Powerpuff Girls #9
Troy Little
Punisher #4 (Gavin’s pick)
Nathan Edmondson and Mitch Gerads
Punisher #4 (Matlock’s pick)
Nathan Edmondson and Mitch Gerads
Rocket Raccoon FCBD
Joe Caramagna and Adam Archer
She-Hulk #4 (Matlock’s pick)
Charles Soule and Javier Pulido
She-Hulk #4 (Gavin’s pick)
Charles Soule and Javier Pulido
She-Hulk #4 (Jawa’s pick)
Charles Soule and Javier Pulido
Swamp Thing #31
Charles Soule and Jesus Saiz
WWE Superstars #4
Mick Foley, Shane Riches, Alitha E. Martinez and Puste
Ah, WWE Superstars. It’s a special kind of bad and I love it for it. My favorite part of the comic is when it switches artists to a guy who draws Undertaker in his in-ring gear in one panel, followed immediately by a panel where Undertaker is wearing a hoodie.
And now, let’s check on Beauty and the Beast from Earth 2.