This Week in Panels: Week 166
November 25th, 2012 by Gavok | Tags: deadpool, hulk, panels, x-force, x-men
Hello. Surviving my first holiday retail weekend of the year, I’m helped out by Jody, Gaijin Dan and Space Jawa. No Was Taters, sadly, meaning there aren’t enough Hawkeye panels in the mix. That stinks as much as Madam Masque’s hand.
…just read the issue.

Bleach #514
Tite Kubo
Blue Exorcist #40
Kazue Kato
Captain America #1
Rick Remender and John Romita Jr.
Cross Manage #8
Daredevil #20
Mark Waid and Chris Samnee
Dark Avengers #183
Jeff Parker and Neil Edwards
Deadpool #2 (Jody’s pick)
Brian Posehn, Gerry Duggan and Tony Moore
Deadpool #2 (Gavin’s pick)
Brian Posehn, Gerry Duggan and Tony Moore
The Goon #43
Eric Powell, Kyle Hotz and Mark Buckingham
Green Lantern: New Guardians #14
Tony Bedard, Andrei Bressan and Amilcar Pinna
Hawkeye #4 (Jody’s pick)
Matt Fraction and Javier Pulido
Hawkeye #4 (Gavin’s pick)
Matt Fraction and Javier Pulido
Indestructible Hulk #1 (Gavin’s pick)
Mark Waid and Leinil Francis Yu
Indestructible Hulk #1 (Jody’s pick)
Mark Waid and Leinil Francis Yu
Minimum Carnage Omega
Chris Yost, Cullen Bunn, Lan Medina, Declan Shalvey and Khoi Pham
One Piece #687
Eiichiro Oda
Star Wars: Agent of the Empire: Hard Targets #2
John Ostrander and Davide Fabbri
Supergirl #14
Mike Johnson and Mahmud Asrar
Takama-ga-hara #17
Jyuuzou Kawai
Toriko #210
Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro
Ultimate Spider-Man #17
Brian Michael Bendis and Pepe Larraz
Ultimate X-Men #18.1 (Jawa’s pick)
Brian Wood and Filipe Andrade
Ultimate X-Men #18.1 (Jody’s pick)
Brian Wood and Filipe Andrade
Uncanny X-Force #34 (Jody’s pick)
Rick Remender and Phil Noto
Uncanny X-Force #34 (Gavin’s pick)
Rick Remender and Phil Noto
Wolverine and the X-Men #21
Jason Aaron and Nick Bradshaw
Wonder Woman #14
Brian Azzarello and Tony Akins
Man. I’m going to miss seeing Ghost in comics on a regular basis. I love you, Earth-3 Rorschach.
We’re a month away from Christmas, so… fuck it, here’s a Christmas video.
Cheer up Bruce. Nobody’ll remember you as “that guy who could’ve revolutionized society with the contents of his desk drawer but never did.”
That video was delightfully disturbing.
At least you won’t be remember as “Drunk guy who started a war.” or “Loser who decided to hang out with a clubhouse made up of he, himself, and I.” but now as “whiny scientist who was emotionally broken enough to join back together the green guy who had his damn life ruined when a bunch of nerds launch him into space.” which reminds me I wonder if marvel would allow the hulk to have a personal facebook/tumblr, and one of his friends/follower is Symby?
Interesting choice opening with Bleach. I have to wonder how people manage to slog through it week after week. That’s beyond fandom, that’s determination. I imagine going through the back issues is like climbing a mountain made of half-assed stupidity.
@Blind Monkey: Not really that interesting. I opened with Bleach because there were no comics this week starting with A.
Mark Waid managed in one issue to make me like reading hulk again. If you had told 14 year old Jody that 3 books I would be looking forward to each month would be Hawkeye, Hulk, and Daredevil, and then told me I would be turning away from Spiderman books, kid canuck me would have drowned sorrows in bacon and maple syrup. Some things never change.
@Blind Monkey: I am disappointed with the current state of Bleach, but it still has its moments. If nothing else, Tite Kubo still does interesting things with his art. And, really, what is it? Thirteen pages nowadays? I can handle that as a part of anthology once a week, especially as I’ve gotten this far and know the story is in its final arc.
Besides, it looks a whole lot better when the same magazine runs Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal.
Yeah, speaking as a dude that binged on Bleach a few years back and immediately regretted it, it’s way more tolerable in WSJA. The title pages are still awesome, the Soi Fon fights still interesting… and you can kinda skim it at this point and check it out that way.
The plot twist in these past few chapters is nauseatingly dumb though.
@david brothers: Have to agree with that. Ichigo doesn’t need yet another set of new powers. I guess it’s appropriate that his “15” logo is in the shape of Superman’s shield, though, as Kubo is using the Golden Age approach of giving him every power he can think of.