This Week in Panels: Week 135
April 22nd, 2012 by Gavok | Tags: Batman, panels, venom, wonder woman, x-forceWhat a day! Today is when I got to take part in my Improv 101 graduation performance, which apparently came off pretty well. I can’t speak for myself too well, since that was my first time performing on stage and being up there was just a gigantic blur. Had a strong turnout, though, including a visit by Chris Eckert.

I’m in there somewhere. I might possibly be the black woman, but I can’t say for sure. I’ll talk more about my experiences at UCB in the coming days, as well as hopefully have something from YouTube to show for it.
Lot of contributors this week. David has my back, apparent from all the manga, but I also have Was Taters, Space Jawa, Jody (also nice enough to check out the show) and luis. With all the comics read by all of us, the most gripping question asked is, “Why does Scarlet Witch write ‘DREAM JOURNAL’ in the middle of her dream journal?”

Amazing Spider-Man #684
Dan Slott and Humberto
Avengers Prelude: Fury’s Big Week #4
Christopher Yost, Eric Pearson, Agustin Padilla, Don Ho and Wellinton Alves
Avengers vs. X-Men #2
Jason Aaron, Brian Michael Bendis, Ed Brubaker, Jonathan Hickman, Matt Fraction and John Romita Jr.
Batman #8 (Taters’ pick)
Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, James Tynion IV and Rafael Albuquerque
Batman #8 (Gavin’s pick)
Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, James Tynion IV and Rafael Albuquerque
BPRD: Hell on Earth: The Long Death #3
Mike Mignola, John Arcudi and James Harren
Captain Atom #8
J.T. Krul and Freddie Williams II
Defenders #5
Matt Fraction and Mitch Breitweiser
Dr. Slump Volume 1
Akira Toriyama
Green Lantern Corps #8
Peter J. Tomasi and Fernando Pasarin
Incredible Hulk #7
Jason Aaron and Whilce Portacio
Irredeemable #36
Mark Waid and Diego Barreto
Nightwing #8
Kyle Higgins and Eddy Barrows
One Piece #662
Eiichiro Oda
Prophet #24
Brandon Graham and Farel Dalrymple
Punisher #10
Greg Rucka and Marco Checchetto
The Shadow #1
Garth Ennis and Aaron Campbell
Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi: Force Storm #3
John Ostrander and Jan Duursema
Supergirl #8
Michael Green, Mike Johnson and George Perez
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Leonardo (Space Jawa’s pick)
Brian Lynch and Ross Campbell
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Leonardo (Gavin’s pick)
Brian Lynch and Ross Campbell
Thunderbolts #173
Jeff Parker and Declan Shalvey
Toriko #181
Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro
Uncanny X-Force #24 (Gavin’s pick)
Rick Remender and Phil Noto
Uncanny X-Force #24 (Jody’s pick)
Rick Remender and Phil Noto
Venom #16 (Gavin’s pick)
Rick Remender and Kev Walker
Venom #16 (Jody’s pick)
Rick Remender and Kev Walker
Walking Dead #96
Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard and Cliff Rathburn
Wolverine and the X-Men #9
Jason Aaron and Chris Bachalo
Wonder Woman #8 (Gavin and Jody’s pick)
Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang
Wonder Woman #8 (luis’ pick)
Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang
Pretty good week all around, though I’m curious as hell to see where the cliffhanger from Thunderbolts goes because holy shit.
Here’s a completely unrelated YouTube thing.
I remember an issue of “What If…?” where Spider-Man and Sable got together romantically. Now that he’s back on the market, it might be time to revisit that idea in canon.
And when did Hawkeye shoot arrows out of his nose? I can’t believe I missed that issue.
Oh crap, I forgot to get Punisher.
Hi. I don’t know that is an iOS/Safari formatting issue or what but the pictures seem to be out of order. The ones just before the comment section don’t seem to match the captions beneath them. in the cases just before the comment section. And below the area where I can leave a comment there are more pictures (this has been the case a lot recently) I don’t think there’re any captions under those pix.
Captain Atom
Again, I don’t like the changes that they made to Captain Atom because I liked the character as he was. However, I do think they’re very interesting changes. Seeing this pre-– Dr. Manhattan style character finding his way is rather fascinating.
It’s still not MY Captain Atom, though.
Funny. I do wonder, sometimes, if he’s (or the creators) have forgotten all the time he spent embracing the surface world – which apparently included our culture as well as our financial system.
This book continues to interest me but I just can’t seem to bite the bullet. Someone said to me recently, about a different topic, that sometimes the juice is just not worth the squeeze. That’s the case with many comics. They cost too much. If you see a four dollar comic, you can just about bet that I’ve not read it. .. Unless it went on-sale at ComiXology.
Apparently Iron Man is STILL being written very, very well, but I didn’t know until they had another 99ct sale and I bought up a bunch of books. I was craving even more but then I hit that $3.99 brick wall. Fonk day.
Just an angry emoticon on my end, FYI.
Congrats, again.
Why in the heck does Scarlet Witch even have a dream journal? Is she 13 years old?
@West: Can you shoot me a screenshot of what you’re seeing? Hold the power button while pressing the lower button to take a screenshot on iOS. Also, you didn’t like that BPRD?
I’m sorry, I cannot accept a Thunderbolts PotW that does not include Party Ghost.
@West: Irredeemable has one more issue left. I’ll probably write up a review of the entire series and how it works as a whole.
@Rob London: I chose the panel and I still agree with you 🙁
There was an embarrassing number of typos in that comment. At any rate all the formatting issues that I mentioned before are no longer visible at this point. I don’t know if any changes were made but it looks just like I remember it looking back in the day.
What I meant about the BPRD was that the panel image did not appear. Instead a red, angry emoticon was in its place. Like I said though, it all looks fine now.
I’m glad to hear that a post about Irredeemable is coming. I didn’t even know that the series was ending. Not that I was any help. Is Incorruptible also ending?
I did mean to mention earlier that that whole thunderbolts issue/arc concept was a pretty awesome concept, in my opinion. I also thought that the cover to the latest issue was pretty crazy. Zemo was quite pimpin’. Did you notice his hand on Meteorite’s ass? Did you notice where current-Meteorite’s hand was? It’s not what you think.
Here’s a link: http://moresay.com/2012/01/13/marvel-thunderbolts-vs-thunderbolts-172-comic-book-april-2012/
I meant to send in a One Piece panel, but I didn’t get around to it. Fortunately, David picked the exact same panel, so looks like it’s covered.
Congrats, Gavok!
…you’re the forearm, right?
Holy smokes, check out Black Widow’s right eye in that first panel…
I haven’t been following Star Wars/Force Storm very closely but I like it. Jan Duurasema is something else.
Namor: how can anyone hate this guy? He’s got rapper levels of rudeness!
That punisher issue was great. There was so much goodness. I will continue to read AvX, but I believe at this point I am punishing myself for past crimes unknown. I may send you a panel split of Avx 2 and kick ass 2 issue 7. Same scene of people rushing. I enjoyed Aaron’s wolverine and the xmen tie in and infinite 1 more than the main series.
@James W: I just saw that. Looks like it’s sliding away. Creepy.
Holy, that Ross Campbell panel is SICK.