This Week in Panels: Week 122
January 23rd, 2012 by Gavok | Tags: Batman, panels, spider-man, wonder womanHey people. ThWiP time again. This time I’ve got Was Taters, Jody and Space Jawa. Jawa is basically using this installment as self-promotion since I’m using a panel from his own comic project Robot Viking Ninja Pirates. Something he sent me a copy of a while back and I totally forgot to read it because I’m a total dickhead. Sorry, man.

Avenging Spider-Man #3 (Jody’s pick)
Zeb Wells and Joe Madureira
Avenging Spider-Man #3 (Gavin’s pick)
Zeb Wells and Joe Madureira
Batman #5 (Gavin’s pick)
Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo
Batman #5 (Was Taters’ pick)
Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo
Captain Atom #5
J.T. Krul and Freddie Williams II
DC Universe Presents #5 (Deadman)
Paul Jenkins and Bernard Chang
Deadpool MAX 2 #4
David Lapham and Kyle Baker
Green Lantern Corps #5
Peter J. Tomasi and Fernando Pasarin
The Mis-Adventures of Adam West #4
Reed Lackey and V Ken Marion
Robot Viking Ninja Pirates #0
MK Stangeland Jr. and MaTT Marikian
Supergirl #5
Michael Green, Mike Johnson and Mahmud Asrar
Thunderbolts #169
Jeff Parker and Kev Walker
Tiny Titans #48
Art Baltazar and Franco
Ultimate Spider-Man #6
Brian Michael Bendis and Chris Samnee
Uncanny X-Force #20
Rick Remender and Greg Tocchini
Venom #12
Rick Remender and Lan Medina
Wonder Woman #5 (Gavin’s pick)
Brian Azzarello and Tony Akins
Wonder Woman #5 (Was Taters’ pick)
Brian Azzarello and Tony Akins
I’m sad to see the Deadman arc in DC Universe Presents is over. I highly suggest you check it out. One of the better surprises of the New 52. I’m totally skipping Didio’s Challengers of the Fantastic follow-up, though.
As you can guess, that Venom panel makes me so happy. Not as happy as finding out (and to be fair, figuring out) that Venom and Carnage USA are both leading into some kind of summer symbiote mini-event. So happy.
That GLC panel makes the Corps look kinda incompetent, huh.
One of my favorite panels this week was from Prophet #21, when the title character recoils in horror as his contact begins to remove its clothing in preparation for their mating session. It was a pretty funny for a book that was pretty serious on the surface of it.
You see Gavok? And you thought all that trivia about bad 90s comics and symboites weren’t gonna come in handy one day! Now when everyone collectively asks, “Who the fuck is Toxin!?” you can be there with all the answers.
“Something he sent me a copy of a while back and I totally forgot to read it because I’m a total dickhead. Sorry, man.”
It’s alright. That kind of stuff happens.