This Week in Panels: Week 107
October 9th, 2011 by Gavok | Tags: animal man, booster gold, huntress, justice league, new 52, panels, static shock, supermanblah blah blah panels blah David Brothers, Was Taters blah Space Jawa.
On with the show.

Action Comics #2
Grant Morrison, Rags Morales and Brent Anderson
Animal Man #2
Jeff Lemire and Travel Foreman
Batwing #2
Judd Winick and Ben Oliver
Casanova: Avaritia #2
Matt Fraction and Gabriel Ba
Chew #21
John Layman and Rob Guillory
Deadpool #44
Daniel Way and Carlo Barberi
Detective Comics #2
Tony Salvador Daniel
Hulk #42
Jeff Parker and Patch Zircher
Huntress #1 (Was Taters’ pick)
Paul Levitz and Marcus To
Huntress #1 (Gavin’s pick)
Paul Levitz and Marcus To
Invincible #83
Robert Kirkman and Ryan Ottley
iZombie #18
Chris Roberson and Jay Stephens
Justice League International #2 (Was Taters’ pick)
Dan Jurgens and Aaron Lopresti
Justice League International #2 (Gavin’s pick)
Dan Jurgens and Aaron Lopresti
Men of War #2
Ivan Brandon, Tom Derenick, Jonathan Vankin and Phil Winslade
Mystic #3
G. Willow Wilson and David Lopez
O.M.A.C. #2
Dan DiDio and Keith Giffen
Penguin: Pain and Prejudice #1
Gregg Hurwitz and Szymon Kudranski
The Rinse #2
Gary Phillips and Marc Laming
Severed #3
Scott Snyder, Scott Tuft and Attila Futaki
Static Shock #2 (David’s pick)
Scott McDaniel and John Rozum
Static Shock #2 (Gavin’s pick)
Scott McDaniel and John Rozum
Static Shock #2 (Was Taters’ pick)
Scott McDaniel and John Rozum
Stormwatch #2
Paul Cornell, Miguel Sepulveda and Al Barrionuevo
Swamp Thing #2
Scott Snyder and Yanick Paquette
Thunderbolts #164
Jeff Parker and Kev Walker
I love that the current storyline in Thunderbolts is that the half of the current roster who are actual villains are now in a scenario where they have to once again lie and pretend to be heroes. It’s like coming home.
The latest arc of Invincible makes me sad for taking apart one of my favorite romantic pairings in comics. Oh, well. Robot’s descent was destined to happen sometime, I guess.
I don’t have much else to add this week other than the stuff I’ll cover in tomorrow’s Brave New World; Bold New Direction. So instead, here’s something to file under “Goddamn it, internet. Really?”
Wow. I dropped Deadpool last month, but that panel was obviously coming, as is the ‘Evil Deadpool’ coming up arc and how it gets there. Haha!
That Penguin miniseries is looking to be one of the better books DC has.
I hate to admit it, but Deadpool #44 was a great issue of the series. the problem is, the point Way was trying to make could have- SHOULD HAVE- happened 20, maybe even 30 issues ago.
Also, the Huntress and The Rinse are great books y’all should be reading. You know who ELSE didn’t read those books? HITLER!
I hate to be that guy, but that kick Huntress is doing bugs the hell out of me. She’d have to be super flexible to even get her leg up there, her knee is twisted at an odd angle, and I can’t really imagine being able to get any force out of a strike that requires that kind of contortion. I know comics =/= real life, but it’d be so much easier to just break one of his kneecaps in that situation.
I’m glad you brought this up, Gaijin D:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwVqW6J4FRc – 27 seconds
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSMjAZvUGFM – 2:20 (horrible tunes sorry)
You know, I’ve seen both of those movies, too. Obviously, this isn’t impossible (though Huntress still has her leg twisted oddly), but I still think you’d lose a lot of power doing it. Of course, kicking someone in the head in any manner generally isn’t the most efficient thing you can do in a real world situation, anyhow. Even in something like UFC, where they’re regularly used, they’re usually preceded by softening up an opponent with punches and leg kicks.
Sorry. I guess this is a case of studying real martial arts making it harder for me to enjoy fake martial arts.