The Cipher 07/28/10
July 28th, 2010 by david brothers | Tags: Batman, bprd, cipher, georges jeanty, grant morrison
Return of Bruce Wayne 4, words by Grant Morrison, pencils by Georges Jeanty, inks by Walden Wong, colors by Tony AviƱa, letters by Travis Lanham. Preview
See where the bad guys are to be found and make em lay down! The defenders of the West, crushing all pretenders in the West!
Cowboy Batman! Maybe I should’ve let Esther write this one, I know she was looking forward to it. I don’t even really have anything clever to say!
Book-wise, I got a few from San Diego, B.P.R.D 13: 1947 from Amazon today, and I’m about 15 pages from the end of Scott Pilgrim’s Finest Hour
. SP is kind of interesting. I like it, but I don’t love it. I respect Bryan Lee O’Malley for getting it done and having it become some kind of crazy ill success, too. I’m slowly working through my stack and decompressing from a hectic San Diego, so I’ll have better words next week.
I gotta buy last week’s comics this week, too. Bleah.
The David: Unknown Soldier 22
The Esther: Definitely: Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne 4 Maybe: Batman: The Brave and the Bold 19, Detective Comics 867, First Wave 3, Green Arrow 2
and The Gavin Authority: The Lost Year 11, Batman: Return of Bruce Wayne 4, Green Lantern 56, Green Lantern Corps 50, Justice League: Generation Lost 6, Deadpool Team-Up 891, Franken-Castle 19, Weapon X Noir, Incorruptible 8, WWE Heroes 5
Very light week for me. Especially since I decided it was time to drop Angel. The longer Willingham’s run goes the less I’ve been liking it. Plus my store was all out of Darkwing Duck so I wasn’t able to go and get those…
Still Jack of Fables that checks in with Jack, Jack Frost, the Page Sisters AND Babe. And Jeff Smith seeming to keep with his promise to get Rasl out more often. And Remainder starting up the final arc on F.E.A.R.Agent….
ROBW was borderline unreadable because of Jeanty. What a fucking shame, because there was a pretty great script underneath the chicken scratch.
Read Secret Avengers #3. It was alright, but I got to the end and thought, “That’s it?!” Still getting #4 to see the conclusion.