New Ultimate Edit Week 2: Day Seven
May 15th, 2010 by Gavok | Tags: captain america, enchantress, frank cho, hawkeye, iron man, jeph loeb, ms marvel, new ultimates, ultimate edit, ultimates, valkyrie, zardaPreviously, the male Ultimates have been up to their ears in otherworldly creeps and Zarda going into a bitch-fit certainly isn’t helping things. Not only that, but Valkyrie’s got a big sword with Captain America’s shield’s name on it. Does that shield have a name? It’s a moot point now.

Another week is in the can. ManiacClown and I will be back next time, but keep checking in on 4th Letter and feel free to keep tabs on my Twitter.
Thanks for reading!
God. Could that last page group shot have been any more plastic? They look like a giant-sized model kit. Does one of the orcs have a camera?
“Rargh! Smiles, now! Arrange Hawkeye’s head so we don’t know if he’s dead… hey you, dragon, hold it right there! Perfect!”
More like bore-o-phyll!
“… Ergo, the coloring of plants.”
THis should be a new meme.
You get a -1 for lack of Adon, but a +5 for the Captain America and the Avengers reference.
I suggest we name the shield Doug.
this is some hilarious stuff. i found this through someone’s comment on scans daily. wish i had thought of it first, great job.