Ultimatum Edit Week 5: Day Six
August 7th, 2009 by Gavok | Tags: colossus, cyclops, doctor doom, fantastic four, human torch, iceman, jeph loeb, kitty pryde, Marvel comics, ms marvel, namor, storm, thing, ultimate edit, ultimatum, x-menWe’re almost done. Last time we checked in, the Ultimates and X-Men escaped the exploding Avalon and then Cyclops got shot in the head at a rally. Surely that would be enough, but I think Loeb can squeeze in maybe ONE more death before he calls it in.

Hey, remember that Ultimate Fantastic Four arc when Dr. Doom fought and somehow survived against the Cosmic Marvel Zombies Corps after they had just eaten Galactus and inherited his power? The same story that flat out told us that in terms of power, Doom > Thor > Human Torch > Thing? Who knew that all Thing had to do is just walk up to Doom and do that?
Tomorrow is the big finale. See you then.
Makes me sad I never read anything Ultimate.
I just realized something. Maybe having somebody just try to walk up and crush his head is Doom’s Achilles’ skull. It’s just so simple nobody— including Doom— ever actually thought of it until it happened.
What happened to Ultimate Doom’s body being metal with no internal organs? I stopped reading UFF after that arc. Was it retconned away before Loeb, or did Loeb just ignore it?
@Paul: Loeb ignored it. Like he did with just about any other previous storyline in Ultimates outside of his own (and he even ignored some of those!)
Here’s my hypothesis: Jeph Loeb muthafuckin’ HATES all the big name characters that everybody recognizes, but he believes he has to write what sells. But then this Ultimate Universe gig comes along and he’s like “Non-continuity? FINALLY, I can go all Ennis on these crappy guys.”
As meaningless as the cavalcade of gruesome deaths has been, wouldn’t it vaguely resemble being worth it if it forced the Ultimate universe to permanently turn its back on 616 rehashes? Sort of like walking the tightrope without a net.
@Matt Ampersand: I still laugh everytime Sabretooth shows up, since millar made such a huge deal about making his different from his main counterpart and giving him 7.5 snikt snikt claws.
I still laugh everytime Sabretooth shows up, since millar made such a huge deal about making his different from his main counterpart and giving him 7.5 snikt snikt claws.
But you know what Sabretooth *really* needs? An eyepatch!
… goddamn Loeb.
So…all you need to do to defeat Doom is reach out and crush his head? No spells, no force field, no nothing? He’s no longer made of metal? He’s now just a frail guy wearing easily-crushed armor?
I’ve asked enough questions.
Well regular universe Doom did get his ass beat down by Luke Cage looking to get paid…
Yeah, but Cage figured out his secret weakness:
Getting punched in the chest. A lot.