Fun with Street Fighter 4 Mods
July 27th, 2009 by Gavok | Tags: beast, colossus, seth, spider-man, street fighter, venom, zangiefRecently, Street Fighter 4 came out for the PC. Because of that, people have been able to hack into the game and change the character appearances. For some it means giving Akuma a pink gi and Dan’s moveset. For some it means nuding up the female cast. For one awesome guy, it means making Zangief into Mr. T. But for now, check these out.
I also saw Sagat as John Stewart GL (when we all know Sagat would be a Red Lantern) and Cammy as Psylocke, Arachne and Harley Quinn.
On a similar note, hopefully sometime tonight I should have a new article up that’s also about comics and videogames. No, not Street Fighter or any of its ilk. Rather, it’s something more mainstream and yet far more out of left field.
Plus Ultimatum #5 comes out this week. We all know what that leads to.
> I also saw Sagat as John Stewart GL
Before I realized what “GL” meant, I had the image of Jon Stewart (Sagat) versus Stephen Colbert (M. Bison, the ol’ Psycho Crusher), and I got very giddy.
>Plus Ultimatum #5 comes out this week. We all know what that leads to.
Erectile dysfunction?
Shit. Give me another day on that promised article. My scanner is giving me the business.