Ultimate Edit Week 4: Day Two
June 29th, 2008 by Gavok | Tags: black panther, captain america, iron man, jeph loeb, ka-zar, Marvel comics, red hulk, shanna, ultimate edit, ultimates, valkyrie, wasp, wolverineAs you may recall from yesterday, Magneto, his kids and his wacky neighbor Xavier took off towards Australia. They couldn’t have stressed harder that it was a flashback if they tried. They crashed and ran into those guys from the Ewok movies. That was then, this is now…
Actually, never mind. This first page is about “then” too.

As always, thanks to ManiacClown, who came up with that recap page. We’ll be back tomorrow to talk about robots. Plus more from Hawkeye. You kids love Hawkeye, don’t you?
Day Three!
Day Four!
Day Five!
Day Six!
Day Seven!
> you kids love hawkeye, don’t you?
We do. We really do.
That third page made this update worth reading.
Yeah, that Stane joke is killer.
That Stane joke put me in a good mood today.