Who Dooms the Doomsmen?
May 12th, 2008 by Gavok | Tags: doctor doom, ruin the moment, watchmenI was in the middle of writing an article about this character in question and I couldn’t help myself.

I will tell you that this guy is as Silver Age as you can get and is really well overdue for a revival.
I’m not sure what I’m seeing here, Gav.
In other words, you’ve never read the Watchmen before.
I have, a while ago. Why is he without his head symbol and hanging with Doom? I get that he’s meant to be Spectre II, but what of it?
This is from an old Silver Age comic that had Dr. Doom as the protaganist. He’d created a vastly powerful robot that kept trying to rebel against him. Doom could control it with his Giant Brain, but he knew when he fell asleep it would try to kill him. So he faked it out by pretending to pass out and then when it attacked him, Doom banished the android (the Dooomsman) to another dimension…
Then Gavok scanned that page and shopped in the dialogue from Watchmen. There you go. I have now COMPLETELY destroyed this joke…
thank you. I’m sure someone else needed it explained aswell.
Oh perhaps there were others confused. Unsure of the point. But now a joke lies dead. Cut down in its innocent youth. And I killed it. Oh woe. What have I done in the name of furthering Doom-ology? That joke had so much to live for!
What comic is this from
It’s from Astonishing Tales #3. It’s collected in Essential Super-Villain Team-Up, which I HIGHLY recommend.
I can certainly understand why people would look at the Doomsman and see Doc Manhattan…but am I the only one who sees Noman instead?
Yes get the Essential Super-Villain Team-Up. It succinctly explains why Dr. Doom was, is, and always shall be more awesome than that pretender Magneto (or anyone else for that matter). I’d really love to see an on-going Doom comic, perhaps starting with his incarceration and eventual take-over/escape from Area 23 (21? some dumb number).
Anyone know who drew this ? Doom reminds me of the way he looked in the comic when he first met Spidey, as drawn by Ditko.
The artist was Wally Wood.