You Weak, Pathetic Kryptonian!
April 17th, 2008 by Gavok | Tags: DC comics, geoff johns, ign, justice league, krypto, Marvel comics, mortal kombat, video, Video GamesI should be getting some rest for this weekend or catching up on relevant comics that have slipped me by, but then the internet has to go and toss a curve ball right my way.
Years ago, Capcom and Marvel had their guys fight each other. It was weird, but it fit better than it had any right to.
Over time, Namco has had their Soul Calibur crew fight Spawn, Link and soon Darth Vader and Yoda.
Just recently, Nintendo gave us the dream match of Mario vs. Sonic, while tossing Solid Snake in there.
With all that having gone on, not once did I expect to hear this announcement on a day that wasn’t April 1st. It’s still not April 1st anymore, right? Right?

My reaction to this is simply the Li’l John reaction: What? WHAT?! …Okay. Because to be honest, no matter how bad it turns out to be, it’ll still be one of the better DC videogames. And as a fighting game it’ll be head and shoulders above Justice League Task Force. This is going to be really stupid, but really interesting.
Hey, maybe they’ll have Geoff Johns design the fatalities!

Credit to Mortal Kombat Online. They’re good people.
And the thing that bugged me about JLTF (as a fanboy, not a gamer; the gamer was bugged by pretty much everything else) is going to bug me about this: How is anyone supposed to make a dent in Supes? Tournament under a red sun? Everyone gets enchanted? He’s an endboss and you get Bats’ Kryptonite ring to fight him? Pathetically geeky minds want to know!
“How is anyone supposed to make a dent in Supes? Tournament under a red sun? Everyone gets enchanted? He’s an endboss and you get Bats’ Kryptonite ring to fight him? Pathetically geeky minds want to know!”
It’s called NERFING. It’s when the developers dumb down certain characters to bring more “BALANCE” to a game. I don’t care how menacing Akuma tries to act, there is NO GODDAMN WAY he would ever step to Wolvering without getting his arms sliced off within two seconds. So all the Marvel characters were pretty much NERFED to even the playing field. The same will go for MK/DC.
“don’t care how menacing Akuma tries to act, there is NO GODDAMN WAY he would ever step to Wolvering without getting his arms sliced off within two seconds.”
I hate the legacy of 90’s comics.
I work for Midway. That being said, this whole thing has been engineered with Ed Boon at the helm – with the help of Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti. IMHO, it’s about time for a DC fighter with next-gen graphics and gameplay.
“I hate the legacy of 90’s comics.”
Yeah, Marvel has been hiking up Wolverine’s healing factor way too much over the past 18 years…but still, one Raging Demon attempt would’ve costed Akuma his arms.
Anyway, I don’t know if MK/DC is a good idea. On one hand, DC definitely needs some decent games, but they should’ve tested the waters by making a fighting game centered on the DC universe before making a crossover game with them (and I don’t mean that JL Task force shit either!). Plus, it’s been years since Mortal Kombat was huge, so Midway should worked on rebuilding that empire before jumping into this.
How many times has wolverine punched a mountain in half?
“That being said, this whole thing has been engineered with Ed Boon at the helm – with the help of Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti. IMHO, it’s about time for a DC fighter with next-gen graphics and gameplay”
Well, wouldn’t it have been better for it to be made by some one who actually knows how to put together a good fighting game, i.e. someone -other- than Ed Boon?
The way I see it, this is terrible for three reasons:
1) The idea itself is stupid. Of course, so X-Men vs. SF and Disney pairing up with Square, so this isn’t really a big deal. BUt I still thought I’d mention it, since it’s not a natural fit like, say, Killer Instinct vs. MK.
2) It’s unprecedented. Unless I’m mistaken, Midway has no experience dealing with DC characters. So how and why did this project just erupt out of the blue? Capcom at least had a couple Marvel games under their belt (including two fighting games) before brining out XSF, so while it was a little left field, it wasn’t -completely- nonsensical.
3) It’s -Midway-. Their track record with fighting games, at least from a gameplay perspective, is shoddy at best. They do know how to bring the hype, so I guess the end product will sell no matter how awful it is, but doesn’t DC deserve better? (BTW, in terms of hype, that trailer they released was *terrible*).
THe only justification I can think of for this bizarre crossover was DC went “We want a DC fighting game, and we don’t want to deal with any Japanese company. That leaves *looks up listing of companies with fighting game history and commercial success* Midway”. 😐
The only justification they really need is “Will this make more money than we spend on it, without hurting our brand?”
Unsurprisingly enough, fanboys on both sides of the water are gearing up for this one ( http://biggercheese.com/index.php?comic=740 ).
Fighting under a red sun or using Kryptonite would rob Supes of all his powers, which they can’t have, so I’m going with the “It’s magic!” explanation. I mean, it is a crossover with reanimated zombie-ninjas.
I’m still holding out for Kingdom Hearts vs Smash Bros, the Mash Up of the Century. But since it would probably be a terrible game, maybe it should be a comic. Written by William Shatner. Illustrated perhaps by Dr. Comet.
In the meantime we can all look forward to the future of comics in video games — Champions, a new MMO by Cryptic Studios. It looks a lot like City of Heroes 2, only without the “2.” It may or may not have the “City of,” either. Which I guess means that, since they’d be fools not to capitalize on proven success, Peter the Duplicate Boy ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duplicate_Boy ) probably ought to be somewhere in there too.
I’m holding out for Killer Instinct vs. Ultraverse.
God, KI is terrible.
But that one-armed fucker lived and lost the other one.