So yeah… about that thing
October 31st, 2007 by Gavok | Tags: Chikara, halloween, ign, spider-man, spider-man 3, venomI was supposed to have a Spider-Man 3 related article up tonight. That isn’t happening. Let’s look at the excuses I have this time:
– Sick as a dog. If you ever spend a couple months on a diet, I don’t care how much of a hurry you are in. You never, ever have McDonald’s. I’m never making that mistake again.
– That CHIKARA DVD contest ends on November 1st. I need all the time I can to dedicate to Photoshop usage.
– Guitar Hero 3, motherfucker.
– Part of the article involves rereading Spider-Man: Reign. If I’m doing that, I need about six hours of mental preparation.
But I’m not here empty-handed. Since it’s Halloween, a day about dressing up in goofy costumes, here is Venom dressed as a nun. Is there a good reason for it? Probably. Maybe. I don’t know. I forget.

and further:
I think the final Venom story should see him retiring to a nunnery. He seems at home in that habit, and it’s a way for him to reaffirm his Catholic roots.
Did Richard Case of the Morrison Doom Patrol draw that? It looks like a lot like his stuff and I actually thought it was from that until I read the panel.
Nope. That would be Thomas Derenick.