This Week in Panels: Week 56
October 17th, 2010 by Gavok | Tags: Batman, blue beetle, booster gold, bprd, daken, deadpool, hypno hustler, ice, knight, kraven, larfleeze, mystique, panels, spider-man, squire, superman, thorWhew! Big week this time around, thanks mostly to TEAMWORK! I got a bunch of panels in, David threw in a couple, as did readers Was Taters and Space Jawa. Even David Uzumeri made me use a damned Superman panel here.
In other news, our very own Esther now has her own Twitter. Start following and she might start Tweeting stuff!

Amazing Spider-Man #645
Mark Waid, Paul Azaceta, Matthew Southworth, Stan Lee and Marcos Martin
B.P.R.D.: Hell on Earth: New World #3
Mike Mignola, John Arcudi and Guy Davis
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #5
Grant Morrison, Ryan Sook and Pere Perez
Booster Gold #37
Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis and Chris Batista
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Batgirl
Bryan Q. Miller and Pere Perez
Daken: Dark Wolverine #2
Daniel Way, Marjorie Liu and Giuseppe Camuncoli
Deadpool Corps #7
Victor Gischler and Rob Liefeld
Green Lantern #58
Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke
Hellblazer: City of Demons #1
Si Spencer and Sean Murphy
Incredible Hulks #614
Greg Pak, Barry Kitson, Joshua Williamson and Mirco Pierfederici
Irredeemable #18
Mark Waid and Peter Krause
Justice League: Generation Lost #11
Judd Winick and Aaron Lopresti
Knight & Squire #1
Paul Cornell and Jimmy Broxton
Mighty Crusaders #4
Eric S. Trautmann, Brandon Jerwa and Carlos Rodriguez
New Avengers #5
Brian Michael Bendis and Stuart Immonen
Strange Tales II #1
Kate Beaton and various others
Superman #703
J. Michael Straczynski and Eddy Barrows
Thanos Imperative #5
Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning and Miguel Sepulveda
Thor: The Mighty Avenger #5
Roger Langridge and Chris Samnee
Tiny Titans/Little Archie and His Pals #1
Art Baltazar and Franco
Untold Tales of Blackest Night
Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis and various others
Unwritten #18
Mike Carey and Peter Gross
Welcome to Tranquility: One Foot in the Grave #4
Gail Simone and Horacio Domingues
Keep checking in, since this is going to be a big week for me at 4L. Tomorrow is my first real appearance on the 4cast. Then I have to write up my review of the Deadpool movie screenplay that’s going around. Then I have to write up my review of the new Avengers cartoon coming out. And after all that, I have to make fun of that Jeph Loeb Ultimate comic that comes out this Wednesday.
Meanwhile, check out my guest appearance on Funnybook Babylon’s podcast.
Lastly, reader Dr. Destructo insisted on one panel from Irredeemable. I had the above panel in mind already, but it deserves to be posted, so here you go.

Should have been a pack of Mentos.
Scott McCloud is in The Unwritten?
Kate Beaton writing a Marvel comic? Awesome.
Rainbow Raiders not rising because nobody cares about them? Awesome.